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因而即便是写奏折,古人也尽可能地写得文采斐然。Therefore, even in writing a memorial, the ancients tried to make it rich and bright.

也就是说,清廷对林则徐的奏折尚未作出反应。Is also say, Manchu Court to wood then slowly of the memorial haven't made a reaction.

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他最大的职业成就是规划建立军机处及完善奏折制度。His greatest professional achievements are in establishing the Grand Council and perfecting Communications System.

自然我不敢高攀,说我有写奏折的本领,可是眼前的通常公文是准保能写到好处的。I'm not bragging that I could write legal complaints, but ordinary official documents would have been a cinch for me.

在奏折里,锡良奏请朝廷批准川人自筹资金修建川汉铁路。In his letter, he plead the emperor government would approve the construction of "Chuanhai" railway invested by Sichuan people.

将军觉得机会到了,便秘密地向清朝皇帝上奏折,弹劾知县在元旦行朝贺礼时举止态度不严肃端庄。Trying to seize that chance, the general secretly reported to the emperor that the magistrate of the county was not serious when saluting.

缘慧内陈列着各种古玩字画,其中尤其珍贵的是当年皇帝御批的奏折。The Yuanhui Room has many antiques, and calligraphy and painting works on display. Of which the most valuable are files approved by emperors.

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庚子事变后,袁世凯在其奏折、往来函电中多次联衔或单独提出"惩办祸首"的主张。After Boxer event, Yuan Shikai repeatedly proposaled "punish culprits"in his memorial and contacted cables singly or in the forms of united title.

相关奏折的内容清晰的反映出当时清政府对台湾经济、治安以及国防的治理用心。Relevant materials clearly reflected the close attention that the Qing authority paid to Taiwanregarding its economy, public security, and defense.

康熙朝诸皇子奏折是康熙朝奏折的重要组成部分,在清初奏折发展中也居于重要地位。The Princes' Memorials during Emperor Kangxi period was one important part in Kangxi memorials and took a key role in the development of Qing memorials.

游客期待8月13日之间在2010年举行的“高水位”的许多奏折静态信息显示葛底斯堡国家军事公园在宾夕法尼亚州葛底斯堡。Tourists look at static information displays among the many memorials at the "High Water Mark" on August 13, 2010 at the Gettysburg National Military Park in Gettysburg Pennsylvania.

此时杨秀来了,告诫明德别将他们的行踪告知别人,并交给明德一封奏折,上面写着剑雄勾结倭寇,私贩硝石的事项。Yang Xiulai at this time, dont leave their whereabouts to inform others warn mingde, a letter they wished to mingde, male collaborating with the enemy with sword, private saltpeter dealers.

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路边奏折与死者的照片和鲜花镶嵌完成标点的Skanderbauf山,对这些谁见过一个悲惨的命运严酷地提醒路边的界限。Roadside memorials complete with inlayed photographs of the deceased and flowers punctuate the roadside boundaries of the Skanderbauf Mountains, a grim reminder of those who had met a sad end.