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葱属和百合属是近亲。Lily is good and pretty.

宛如百合,皓似白雪。Lily-like, white as snow.

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这是我母亲最喜欢的一品百合。This is my mother's favourite.

葱属和百合属是近亲。The onion is allied to the lily.

在洞穴里在百合的尖上In the cave at the tip of the lily

镀金百合将导致精神病。Gilding the lily leads to insanity.

让思想和露珠,百合起舞。Let mind dance with dew and daffodil.

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第三支百合的根撑破我的嘴。The third one's roots lacerate my mouth.

润肺又止咳,粥里加百合。Lungs and they cough, Porridge Riga lily.

我的一个园友有这种百合。One of my gardener has this kind of lily.

我的一个园友有这种百合。One eof my gardener has this kind of lily.

我们最高雅的花是金色百合。Our most elegant flower is the golden lily.

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百合拉着她往门口走去时,小菊还在看书。Daisy read while Lily pulled her to the door.

天暖时便是月光洒在了百合池旁。And on Lily Pond Lane when the weather was warm.

看那野地的百合如何生长。Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow.

花门是由红掌,百合和红玫瑰做成的。Flower door is by GongZhang, lily and red roses.

铁炮百合是最早预告春天来临的象征之一。Easter lilies are one of the first signs of spring.

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法国薰衣草,铃兰,橡苔,麝香百合。French Lavender, Lily of the Valley, Oakmoss, Musk.

我是沙仑的玫瑰,是谷中的百合。I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valley.

我的佳偶在女子中,好象百合在荆棘内。As a lily among brambles, so is my love among maiden.