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他对他的债权人赖账。He bilked his creditors.

债权人净资产值就是负债。The creditor'sequity is the same as liabilities.

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琼斯把他的家园和农场过户给他的债权人。Jones assigned his home and farm to his creditors.

他得把300英镑还给他的债权人。He had to choke up 300 pounds to pay his creditors.

但我国继承法对遗产债权人的利益保护则无具体的制度规定。But our law of succession make no provision for this.

债权人决定提起破产之诉。The creditors decided ot initiate a bankruptcy proceeding.

房屋业主和债权人两者都面临着更大的破产风险。Both homeowner and lender face a greater risk of bankruptcy.

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甚至小公司也可能有几打债权人。Even smallish companies can now have dozens of debt holders.

债权人会把这些资产卖给出价最高的人。These creditors would sell the assets to the highest bidder.

你和原来的债权人之间的协议原件。The original agreement between you and the original creditor.

他与债权人达成协定延期付款。He compounded with his creditor for a postponement of payment.

法院发出的让第三债务人向判定债权人付还债务的命令。Court order, make a garnishee pay money to a judgment creditor.

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他与债权人达成协议延期付款。He compounded with his creditors for a postponement of payment.

"363出售"指的是出售那些不受债权人追索的资产.A 363 sale is the sale of an asset clear of claims by creditors.

债权人可以上诉或者扣押持卡人的房子。The creditors could sue or place a lien on a cardholder’s house.

他与债权人谈妥免除其债务。He compounded with his creditors FOR a remission of what he owed.

债权人不可能提供接近这个数字的价格。The creditors are unlikely to offer anything close to that figure.

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很多债权人也会提供电邮备忘,但是不要指望这些!Many creditors offer email reminders too, but don’t count on these!

债权人的撤销权是一项古老的民法制度。The withdrawing right of the obligee is an ancient civil law system.

债权人将想个办法避免这家公司破产。Creditors are expected to seek a solution that would avoid bankruptcy.