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艺术品市场向来是追名逐利的。The art market always follows the money.

我以前不追名逐利,但是现在我要追求名利。Eg. I were not after fame or money but now I would like to go after it.

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但是如果过分追名逐利,便会触怒诸神,灾难随即降临But if you push it too far you will anger the gods and something terrible will happen to you.

在多伦多这个追名逐利者之都,陌生人见面彼此并不说“你好吗?”In Toronto, the careerist capital of Canada, when strangers meet, they don't say "How do you do?"

责任是一种很可贵的品质,大多数人在追名逐利的过程中失去了责任感。Responsibility is a valuable quality, most people lose it when they chase for fame and reputation.

他追名逐利,试图在尘世的思想界占有一席之地,得以影响和掌控着他的同胞。He seeks for fame, for fortune, for space in the world's thought, and dominion over his fellow-men.

这些人大多只为追名逐利,殊不知那打字机前的写作过程是如此漫长而孤独。In most cases these individuals are dreaming of wealth and fame, not long hours alone at the typewrite.

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他们有一种自由自在的风度,他们不沉溺于可鄙的追名逐利和对舒适生活的迷恋。They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitious or love of comfort.

紧接着生与死的战争现实摆在眼前,这让人们意识到追名逐利更加没有意义。Then the life-and-death reality of the war came along and made the pursuit of glitz and status seem even more trivial.

空想家对此批判说,这些都是因人们追名逐利,贪恋风流韵事所带来的浮躁心理引起的。Ideologues blame it on fickleness that comes from social-climbing, gold-digging, unsatisfied sexual or romantic desire.

在多伦多这个追名逐利者之都,陌生人见面彼此并不说“你好吗?”取而代之的是“你干什么工作?”In Toronto, the careerist capital of Canada, when strangers meet, they don't say "How do you do?" They say "What do you do?"

我们的竞选者已经拥有了名气、财富和巨额电影的合同,不会因追名逐利而分心。Rather than governing our city to achieve fortune, fame and a book deal, our candidate already has achieved fortune, fame and MOVIE deals.

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弗罗斯特以短小而明白如话的诗行对忙于追名逐利的现代人提出了严肃的忠告。Robert Frost, an American poet, in short and plain lines, leaves some serious warnings to us modern men who are busy pursuing wealth and fame.

当年的三寸金莲束缚的是女人的肉体,而今天的教育,已经沦陷为某些领导追名逐利的砝码。Jinlian then tied the three-inch woman's body, and today's education, has been occupied for some of the leadership of the recovery of weight gain.

原因在于部分新闻从业者追名逐利、不讲职业道德、专业素质不高、工作经验不足。The causes of these mainly lie that some journalists chase for honors and money, lack of ethics of journalism, specialty and experience in journalism.

人生旅途上,一些人带着疲乏的追名逐利之心奋力前行,另一些人却自在逍遥地与自然和谐相处,飘逸而行。On one's journey of life some people hurry on with a heavy heart in pursuit of fame and wealth while others go enjoy themselves in harmony with nature.

医院里,库伯勒-罗斯的许多同事都认为她在残忍地追名逐利,她阴森森地迫使病人思考自己的死亡。Many of Kübler-Ross’s peers at the hospital felt that the seminars were exploitative and cruel, ghoulishly forcing patients to contemplate their own deaths.

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传统小说会让罗克的“无私奉献给艺术”挑战基廷“自私的追名逐利”,而兰德的故事和这种期望完全相反。A conventional story would have set up Roark's "selfless devotion to his art" against Keating's "grasping, selfish careerism." Rand reverses this expectation.

人生旅途上,一些人带着疲乏的追名逐利之心匆匆前行,另一些人却能自在逍遥地与自然和谐相处,飘逸而行。On one's journey of life some people hurry on with a heavy heart in pursuit of fame and wealth while others go easy an enjoy themselves in harmony with nature.

但他们后来变得贪婪,小气并最终“道德破产”,众神“怒不可遏,因为人们已经迷失了方向,开始追名逐利”,Orser说道。But they became greedy, petty, and "morally bankrupt, " and the gods "became angry because the people had lost their way and turned to immoral pursuits, " Orser says.