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小朋友,你能利用工具书找出我的名字吗?Students, can you find my name in any reference book?

你们要搞会使用辞典和工具书。You have to learn how to use dictionary or reference-books.

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在许多人看来,词典是一种有用但乏味的工具书。To many people a dictionary is a useful but a bleak compendium.

对于导弹控制的入门者,这是本很好的工具书。For the missile control entry, which is a good instrument of this book.

工具书和参考书书库中的所有书都不能外借。Dictionaries and all books in the reference stacks cannot be checked out.

本词典也可作为英语自学者的工具书。The dictionary also be used as a tool for self-learners of English books.

第四部分谈怎样利用这部有价值的大型工具书,进行文字学、训诂学等方面的学习和研究。The forth part talks about how can we make use of the large reference book.

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例如,一本书没有索引,就不应该算是好书,尤其是工具书。For example, a book without indexing would not be good, especially tools books.

Bibliomania是一种宝贵的工具书爱好者,以及学生和教师。Bibliomania is an invaluable tool for book lovers, as well as students and teachers.

语言工具书的质量应当引起语言学和法学的双重关注。The quality of reference books should draw the dual attention from both linguistic and legal circles.

同时对现在较权威的语文工具书的训释作了一些商兑。Simultaneously we also make up with the inadequate paraphrase of simultaneously Chinese reference book.

可以说,拥有一本畅销而长销的工具书,是出版社梦寐以求的事。In a word, owning a popular reference book that has a very long time is a dream of some publishing houses.

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通过清晰地描述如何开发与实施水安全计划,并且提供了实用的格式,这本期待已久的工具书回应了这种需求。This WSP manual answers this call by describing how to develop and implement a WSP in clear and practical terms.

能熟练查阅英文工具书和熟练使用计算机以及应用网络资源。Access to skilled English reference books and skilled in the use of computer and the application of cyber source.

我们希望,这样一个网站将成为科研工作者的工具书。But these resources are not being well used. We hope this website will be used as a handbook for S&T researchers.

2008年初,引进出版的“ENCARTA英语工具书系列”即将发行上市。Early in 2008, the introduction of the publication of the "ENCARTA English books Series" listed on the upcoming issue.

纵向钢丝间距有所差别,左侧的几根间距较大,为6厘米,主要存放字典类较厚的工具书。The space between vertical wires is different. The distance on the left is large to 6cm. We can put thick books there.

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年鉴,是系统汇辑上一年度重要文献信息、逐年编纂并连续出版的资料性工具书。Yearbook is a kind of material reference book that is compiled the important document information of each passing year.

图书馆学人史料包括基本史料、一手档案史料、口述史料和工具书性史料。The historical materials of library scholars include basic materials, primary archives, oral materials and reference books.

由于维基百科网站越来越受欢迎,牛津大学出版社已经停止出版带插图的工具书。The OUP has already stopped producing illustrated reference books because of the growing popularity of the Wikipedia website.