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他会将河口里所有的鱼虾一网打尽。And he'll catch all the fish in the bayou.

洞庭湖盛产鱼虾。Dongting Lake teems with fish and shrimps.

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当然那些充当食物的鱼虾就卡在鲸须上了。And of course, the food is caught in the baleen.

据说这样鱼虾吃饱了就不会去吃屈原的尸体。It is said that such fish and shrimp eat won't eat qu yuan's body.

人们能捕捞鱼虾养活家庭,或者出售以便得到额外收入。They can fish and feed a family or sell them to earn extra income.

然而,拉特动用的网络现在却用来去抓那些小一些的鱼虾。But the net that Rath used is now being cast to catch ever smaller fry.

她表示,试验表明,墨西哥湾的鱼虾已经可以安全食用。She says tests show that fish and shrimp from the Gulf are safe to eat.

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我们可以在里面抓到鱼虾,还可以在里面游泳。We could find fish and shrimp in this little river. And we could swim in it.

北部湾是著名的渔场,湾内鱼虾种类繁多、资源丰富。Beibu Gulf is a famous fishing ground with many species of fishes and pr- awns.

泰式三文鱼虾肉饼配黑米饭和亚洲青菜及咖喱椰奶花生汁。Thai salmon prawn cake with asian greens, black rice and red curry peanut sauce.

鱼虾蟹,又称鱼虾蟹骰宝,是赌博游戏的一种。Fish-Prawn-Crab is a classics Chinese gambling game which should be plays with dice.

湖滨茂林修竹,环境幽静,湖水清澈澄净,鱼虾丰盛。South lake, in a quiet environment, the lake clear clarification, full of fish and shrimp.

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还有就是吃点鱼虾,多晒太阳,这样对你和孩子都有好处。There is to eat fish and shrimp, more than the sun, so that you and your baby will benefit.

我也和你一样,只要我一吃鱼虾,孩子脸上立马起湿疹。I would also like you, as long as I eat fish and shrimp, the children face immediately from eczema.

接下来就是泡沫破裂,庄家满载逃跑,留下千万鱼虾渴死干河床上。Next is the bubble rupture, making full escape, leaving behind 10 million fish and shrimp dying dry riverbeds.

夏天,我们在小河中戏水,我们划船、捕鱼,把捕获的鱼虾带回家。We were swimming in the river, given by the hot summer. We went boating and fishing, carrying home fish and shrimp.

最好是在池内放养鱼虾,锦鲤、金鱼、藻虾等等,锦鲤不要太大,色彩最好鲜艳点。Preferably in the wild fish and shrimp ponds, koi , goldfish, algal shrimp, etc. , not much fish, the best bright colors.

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由于之前没有专业“鱼医生”,如果鱼虾生病了,养殖户一般都是自己配药。Due to the absence of professional prior to the "fish doctor", if the fish is sick, farmers in general are dispensing their own.

白鹭是善良的,它会每天远走高飞把捕捉的鱼虾全部吐进小鸟的嘴巴。Egrets are kind parents. Everyday they fly to distant places to catch fish and come back to feed all the food to their baby birds.

虾青素是一种酮式类胡萝卜素,常用作鱼虾等水产养殖动物的饲料添加剂。Astaxanthin is one kind of ketonic type carotenoid, often serves as aquaculture animal′s such as the fish and shrimp feed additives.