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你知道这里有什么名山大川吗?。Do you know any famous mountains and great rivers here?

您能告诉我你们国家有什么名山大川吗?Can you tell me if there are any famous mountains and great rivers in your country?

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留出更多的时间与家人和朋友一起分享,吃遍天下美食,游遍你心中想住的名山大川。Spend more time with your family and friends, eat your favorite foods, and visit the places yo love.

和亲人朋友分享更多的时间,品尝天下的美味佳肴,游览神往的名山大川。Spend more time with your family and friends, eat your favorite foods, and visit the places you love.

留出更多的时间与家人和朋友一起分享,吃遍天下美食,游遍你心中向往的名山大川。Spend more time with your family and friends. eat your favorite foods, and visit the places you love.

这里有苍松翠柏,有潺潺溪流,有丰富的石油、煤炭,也有闻名遐迩的名山大川。There are Cangsong cypresses, a gurgling streams, is rich in oil, coal, but also the world famous mountains.

在浏览名山大川的时候,你一定会更多的了解我们的国家。While visiting the famous mountains and great rivers, you will certainly get more knowledge about our country.

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葛长庚一生云游各地名山大川,阅历丰富,交游广泛,留下了不少优秀的作品。He is one of Taoism Nanzong Wuzu. Ge Changgeng toured around the mountains all his life. He had rich experiences and extensive intercourse.

嵩山文化积淀深厚,儒、释、道三教荟萃于此,这在中国的名山大川中是独一无二的。Mount Song has profound heritage, which Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in this meta-three religions. It is unique among Chinese mountains.

这些书籍使他从小就热爱祖国的壮丽河山,立志要遍游名山大川。These books make his early love of the motherland's magnificent rivers and mountains, and make him determined to travel over mountains and rivers.

饮茶在大小寺庙的风行,僧人加强对茶叶采制的研究,于是出现历代名山大川寺庙出名茶的现象。Elegant quiet Drinking tea in size, popular temple to the monks to strengthen research, so tightly tea appear in most of the mountains temples of phenomena.

让读者从杂志中了解全国各地城市新貌、经济动向、名山大川、风土人情以及热点话题、时尚潮流。Readers can learn from the magazine the outlines and economic pulse of major cities, the mountains and rivers, convention and traditions, hot topics and fashion trends.

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让读者从杂志中了解全国各地城市新貌、经济动向、名山大川、风土人情以及热点话题、时尚潮流。Readers can learn from the magazine the outlines and economic pulse of major cities , the mountains and rivers , convention and traditions , hot topics and fashion trends.

在世界各地,很多高中生、大学生毕业后,无论是选择继续学业还是计划走上工作岗位,都喜欢先拿出一年时间游历名山大川,而且这样的学生日渐增多。After completing high school or college, more and more students around the world are opting to take a year off to travel before continuing their education or entering the workplace.

王羲之年轻时跟卫夫人学习书法,后来又游历名山大川,观察、学习了前辈书法家们的碑刻。Wang Xizhi studied calligraphy under the calligraphy master Madame Wei in his youth. Then he traveled widely to study tablet inscriptions executed by famous calligraphers of older generations.