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当初我明白我们未经各奔前程。Now I can see that we've fallen apart.

但是我们已经与那些课程所传授的技能各奔前程。But we've become divorced from the skills those classes imparted.

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对于革命情意阶级感情来说,各奔前程后尚能相逢一笑,已是弥足珍贵。The revolutionary complex feelings class, the favorite subject after one smile, is invaluable.

两人的好友表示两者之间并未出现小三,他们俩“还是好朋友”,“只是各奔前程了”。The couple met on the set of the hit Disney movie and were seen kissing in Hawaii just two weeks ago.

然后,在完全的沉默中,他逐一拥抱了离开的每一位军官,随后,他们便各奔前程。Then, in perfect silence, he so embraced each of his officers as they filed by, and then they parted.

我们的学生会各奔前程,儿女也会离开家庭,我们得为每一年的计划寻找新的目标。Our students move on, our children move out, and our annual plans simply find new targets to shoot for.

如今,身为大四的学生,很快地,大家就要各奔前程,以后的道路将有新的伙伴同行。Now, as a senior of university, rapidly, each goes his own way, there will be new accompaniers on the way.

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相反,假如将品牌拿走,把其他资产都留给管理人员,五年后,他们肯定早已各分道扬镳、各奔前程了。On the other hand, if you left them with all their assets but took away the brand, in five years they'd be gone altogether.

大学毕业后我们各奔前程。我们去了不同的城市,渐渐失去了联系。After college it was the parting of the ways. We all went to live in different parts of the country and gradually we lost touch.

最后,我在中大结识了不少朋友,他们曾与我一同玩乐,到了现在,纵使大家已各奔前程,他们依然支持和鼓励著我。Last but not least, CUHK is a place where I made many friends whom I had fun with and are still supportive even now that our paths have parted.

现在,我们各奔前程,但我仍然记得他无私热心的学习态度。我非常感谢有这样一位同学,他是我永远的朋友。Now we are apart but I still remember his great attitude and willing in study. I am so obliged to my classmate who is my friend always and forever.

这假期是美好的,但也十分令人悲伤,因为我们将要告别最亲爱的朋友,各奔前程了。It can be beautiful, but it is also going to be challengingly sad, since we have to separated from our beloved friends, heading towards our different dreams.

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这批学生已各奔前程。几年后,其中的一名学生死于越南,他的老师参加了那名特殊学生的葬礼。That group of students moved on. Several years later, one of the students was killed in Vietnam and his teacher attended the funeral of that special student.