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可能会并发感染。It may supervene with infection.

两个子进程并发执行。Concurrent execution of two sub-processes.

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肺炎也可能并发胸膜炎。Pneumonia may be complicated by a pleuritis.

将并发流合并为单个流。Combines concurrent flows into a single flow.

这就是所谓的临床并发抑郁症。This is referred to as co-occurring depression.

因此可以解密并发送给用户。Thus it can be decrypted and e-mailed to the user.

可以限制时时的并发用户。Usage is limited by the number of real-time users.

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在黏液瘤并发神经系统症状的患者中。Among patients with myxoma and neurologic symptoms.

设计有超时限制的并发阻塞队列Designing a concurrent blocking queue with timeouts

他转向听众并发出了窘迫的叹息声。He turned to the audience with an embarrassed sigh.

病变可多发,常并发精索静脉曲张。Lesions, often can be multiple concurrent varicocele.

所有商品均由成都配货并发送。All commodity all distribute money by Chengdu and send.

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虽然在ie8,safari4,chrome2下script可以并发,但依然阻碍了其他资源的下载Scripts still block, even in IE8, Safari 4, and Chrome 2

结果表明设计的并发任务满足可调度性要求。The result shows that the designed tasks are schedulable.

晚期还可能并发膀胱癌。Bladder cancer is also a possible late-stage complication.

并发也就是平行,只不过是在程序内部进行的。Concurrency is about parallelism, but inside the application.

我没有测试过,但是我看到的有高并发使用的例子。I had not checked, but I see have tall intercurrent use case.

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这些类将以一种并发方式协同工作。These classes will work cooperatively in a concurrent manner.

这样就简化了许多并发算法的开发。This simplifies the development of many concurrent algorithms.

本研究的纳入对象是2型糖尿病并发DPN患者。Included in this study are patients with DPN of type 2 diabetes.