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床上的帽子会带来噩运。A hat on a bed will bring bad luck.

任何人任何时候都可能交噩运倒霉。Bad luck may befall to anyone at any time.

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噩运临到了睡梦中的这九个人。A stroke of fate hit those nine persons in their sleep.

希望这个赛季我所有的噩运都在这里耗尽了。Here's hoping I've used up all my howlers for this season.

等待它的命运却是极其可悲的,可谓噩运难逃。The fate of the wait for it is extremely sad, is not luck.

一些水手开始低声说这带来了噩运。Some of the sailors began to murmur about it bringing bad luck.

也就是说先把噩运推走,然后把好运拉进来。First we push the bad luck away, then we put the good things in.

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有个迷信说法是打破了镜子会带来七年的噩运。According to superstition, breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck.

一些人认为单独下葬的男人会给后代带来噩运。Some believe that men who are buried alone will bring bad luck on the families for future generations.

在一些非洲国家,人们害怕变色龙因为他们认为它们将带来噩运。In some African countries, people are afraid of chameleons because they think they will bring bad luck.

和孔切斯基一样,鲍尔森曾被大家认为是霍奇森带给安菲尔德的噩运的化身。Along with Paul Konchesky, Poulsen is widely viewed as the embodiment of Roy Hodgson's ill-fated stint at Anfield.

但是这一现象在亚洲部分地区同样带来了不安和恐惧,许多人认为它将带来噩运。But the phenomenon is also bringing uncertainty and fear in parts of Asia, where some believe it will bring bad luck.

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为了能够观察到并拍到一种动物,马克不在乎深入到森林的任何地方,只要能够帮助该生物逃过灭绝的噩运。There is no length to which Mark will not go in order to observe an animal, photograph it and, if needs be, save it from peril.

这样做既无不诚实之嫌,又可以避免你在审查个人简历这第一关便被一票否决的噩运。Suspected of doing so is neither dishonest, and also avoid your resume in the review of this first hurdle will be a veto of bad luck.

他认为,人口成长的趋势呈几何级数上升,但粮食生产只会呈倍数成长,因此人类难逃噩运。We were, he argued, condemned by the tendency of population to grow geometrically while food production would increase only arithmetically.

就好比黑猫会带来噩运的故事一样,这一故事大概要追溯到几百年前,当时人们总把猫咪与巫术联系在一起。Just like the story of a black cat being bad luck, this story probably goes back several hundred years ago to a time when cats were associated with witchcraft.

安切诺迪的客场噩运还在继续——切尔西的航班被取消,而球队必须在大雪中驱车330英里返回伦敦。Carlo Ancelotti's away-day nightmare continued yesterday – when Chelsea's flight home was cancelled forcing a 330-mile coach journey back to London in the snow.

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事实上,许多异常丑陋的建筑在民众的压力下难逃被拆的噩运。Indeed, pressure has grown to get rid of some of the most horrendously ugly postwar buildings. One of the buildings to go is Frankfurt's municipal services building.