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我深深地吸上一口气,静听雪花飘落,源源不绝······I took deep breath to hear more snow was coming.

我深深地吸了一口气,静听雪花飘落,源源不绝…I took a deep breath to hear more snow was coming.

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如果你被深深地割了一下,通常会有血源源不绝的涌出。If you get a deep cut, there usually is a gush of blood.

因为气泡源源不绝,你可能还会听噗吱声听到烦呢。With a continuous supply of bubbles, you might get tired of all that popping.

人潮源源不绝地爬上陡峭的小径,山脉在这时就像蚁丘。The mountains resemble anthills then, with crowds streaming up their steep trails.

而大海则源源不绝地为新西兰送来鲜美的扇贝、笛鲷、鲔鱼以及其它味道鲜美的鱼类。And the sea send to New Zealand ceaseless scallop, porgy , sturgeon and other delicious fish.

被河流从山区冲刷下来的金子,沉积在八堵附近的河床中,源源不绝。The gold, washed down the mountain by the river and left in the riverbed near Patu , kept on coming.

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成为KORBEP会员,可享源源不绝的购物优惠,详情请不时留意本店最新消息。Become KORBEP member to enjoy endless shopping privileges. Please check out our updated news for details.

然而,它却源源不绝地供应大地生生不息的动力。The source seems visional , far, senseless and smell-less, but it is inexhaustible power to supply all things.

机枪缺乏足够的击退,所以就算拿着GAU也别以为能挡住源源不绝的僵尸大军。Machine-guns lack much knockback so don't think you can hold off an endless swarm of zombies even with a GAU-19.

人们只能希望照进结古的源源不绝的车前灯可以为幸存者带来足够的安慰。One could only hope the endless stream of headlights going into Jiegu would bring enough relief to the survivors.

美国职篮已经在十三个国家和区域举办比赛。此举不只是为了向受访国球迷与人民致意,还代表源源不绝的商机。The NBA has held games in 13 nations and territories. The practice is for more than basketball goodwill—it's good business.

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我爱这一切,爱这份恬静、爱这样的顺其自然,不加一丝的人为修饰、爱这份永恒、爱这样的生机蓬勃、源源不绝。I love all of this, the peaceful, the things as they come, natural things, love such a eternity, vitality and unending life.

伐木道路不止让象牙猎人得以更深入偏远的森林地带,更引入了源源不绝的人类开发。Logging roads both provide access to remote forest areas for ivory poachers and serve as conduits of advancing human settlement.

只有做到这些,老师们才能让学生源源不绝地学习并使他们在生活中更上层楼。And well, through that, a teacher will be able to give to the learner's the things that they want and need to be successful in life.

从取火到裂解原子,大抵是这股源源不绝的创意灵光推动著社会的进展。From harnessing fire to splitting the atom, an inexhaustible stream of innovative flashes has largely driven our social development.

更高含量的丹宁,入口圆润丰厚,细品后质感醇和,回味源源不绝。The higher percentage of tannins brings rondeur and pleins taste, which becomes even more corsés and lasting with a fine aftertaste.

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安娜苏让我觉得爱情不在遥不可及,爱可以像自来水,打开龙头就源源不绝。Anna Sui makes me feel like romance is no longer beyond sight. Love is like running water --- open the tap and it flows without cease.

对海地的援助源源不绝,欧盟的捐款是最新的进展。这是自2004年亚洲海啸以来全球最大救援努力的一部分。Europe's contribution is the latest in a flood of donations to Haiti, part of the biggest global relief effort since the 2004 Asian tsunami.

我现在释放出我内在的金矿。我与一条满载财富的、源源不绝的黄金溪流紧紧相连,在恩典之下,这条黄金溪流以完美的方式流向我。I now release the gold-mine within me. I am linked with an endless golden stream of prosperity which comes to me under grace in perfect ways.