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为大里说生死攸关的问题。To Tali said that the matter of life and death.

与眼镜蛇进行生死攸关搏斗的?A mongoose in a life-and-death battle with a cobra.

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但是对艾肯鲍姆却是生死攸关的。But for Eikhenbaum, there's obviously a lot at stake.

他不应该随随便便地对待生死攸关的决定。He shouldn't palter with a decision involving life and death.

他可是在接受生死攸关的审判,罪名是亵渎神明。He is, after all, on trial for his life, for the charge of impiety.

艾滋病是个严重的医疗问题,同时还带有生死攸关的道德含义。AIDS is a severe medical problem with life and-death moral overtones.

但适者生存并不总是生死攸关的事。But survival of the fittest doesn't always have life-or-death stakes.

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法德尔博士的文章可能表明基地组织也步入了这样一个生死攸关的阶段。Dr Fadl's missives may show that al-Qaeda has entered this vital stage.

由于这个生死攸关的问题的复杂性,我们花了整整一昼夜,进行谈判。Because of the complexity of the issues at stake, it took us a full night.

他们认为有几处藏匿这个生死攸关的小囊特别安全。A few hiding places were considered especially safe for the deadly container.

在干旱季节,余和同事们会被派往水闸,此时水利委员会对水量供应做出的决策几乎生死攸关。Yu and his colleagues are dispatched to sluice gates during times of drought.

在那个生死攸关的晚上,更多的生命本来是可以获救的,这一点非常可惜。In the life and death of the evening, more life could have saved, it is a pity.

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该部落的地盘位于南部的舍卜沃省,横跨在生死攸关的石油管道上。Its territory in the southern province of Shabwa straddles a vital oil pipeline.

可妈妈不,她把奶嘴看做是生死攸关的东西,采取了异乎寻常的做法。My mother, seeing this as a matter of life and death, took a different approach.

这可能有助于蜥脚类恐龙通过它们的长脖子到达肺部来获得生死攸关的氧气。This may have helped sauropods get vital oxygen down their long necks to their lungs.

然而,在胚胎孕育中,防止感染就是生死攸关的问题。In the germ-filled world, however, preventing infection is a matter of life and death.

在这危急万分的时刻,加拿大准备在这场生死攸关的斗争中担任重要角色。At this crucial moment Canada was ready to play a conspicuous part in the deadly struggle.

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凯莱赫先生的办公室有个红盒子,里面盛放的是他称之为“事关生死攸关的东西。”Mr. Kelleher’s office has a red box for what he calls “life-and-death constituent case work.”

系统的数据对企业来说用”生死攸关”来形容,一点也不过分。System data to the enterprise with " be a life-and-death matter " to describe, a little too much.

这牵涉到一条原则,一条一再被无情地违犯的生死攸关的原则。A principle is involved, a life-and-death principle which is repeatedly and thoughtlessly violated.