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现为甲子书学会会员。She is a member of the Jiazi Society of Calligraphy.

二零零四年十一月加入甲子书学会为会员。In November 2004, he became a member of the Jiazi Society of Calligraphy.

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在东方文化中,60年被称为一个甲子,象征着一个新的开始。In oriental culture, 60 years is known as one Jizi in mandarin, symbolizing a fresh beginning.

在中国文化中,六十岁的生日是件大事,完成了一个甲子的轮回。Sixtieth birthdays are big ones in Chinese Culture—the culmination of a complete astrological cycle.

一九八五年筹组甲子书学会,并连任会长至今。He was one of the founders of the Jiazi Society of Calligraphy in 1985 and has been its president since then.

一九七零年中开始随翟仕尧老师学习书法,甲子会创会会员。Monita studied calligraphy from Mr. Jat See Yeu since the mid 70s. She is a founding member of Jiazi Society.

论述了六十甲子的含义与特征,主要着重年相时间的阐述,以及与妇科学的关系。This paper deals with the implications and features of the cycle of 60 years and their relationship with gynecology.

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现为文苑画会、中华艺术家协会、甲子书学会会员。She is currently a member of the Culture Corner Art Club, Chinese Artist Association and the Jiazi Society of Calligraphy.

甲子湾断层使这些阶地错断变形,系舟山-太行山断块隆起沿该断层产生翘起运动。These terraces were offset and deformed by Jiazhiwan fault, along which the uplifted Xizhou-Taihang fault block was tilted.

二零零七年修毕圣雅各福群会及甲子书学会合办之书法导师专业训练课程。Last year, she completed the Career Development Course on Chinese Calligraphy jointly organized by St. James Settlement and the Jiazi Society of Calligraphy.

从一见钟情到相伴偕老,女王伊丽莎白二世和丈夫菲利普亲王的爱情已经跨越了72个春秋,而他们的婚姻也早已超过一个甲子。From love at first sight to accompany marriage, Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip has over 72 love the Spring and Autumn, and their marriage had more than one six decades.