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在伦敦,人们可以去朝拜女皇。In London pilgert man zur Queen.

当然了。她是撑杆跳的女皇了。She is the queen of the pole vault.

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他们请求谒见女皇。They request an audience with the Queen.

但是实际上女皇仅仅是傀儡。But in reality she is only a figure-head.

我今天见到我们班女皇了,你猜怎么样?I met the Quenn of our class, guess what?

黑夜埃及女皇举杯畅饮。And Cleopatra Night drinks all. 'Tis done.

伊丽莎白二世女皇已执政五十年。Queen Elizabeth II has reigned for fifty years.

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她是玛丽亚·泰瑞莎女皇众多孩子中的一个。She was one of empress Maria Theresa's many kids.

女皇塞奥多拉在去世前任命米哈伊尔继承王位。Michael was named by the empress as she lay dying.

女皇访问的消息使得全镇都骚动。News of the Queen's visit set the whole town astir.

“这一次又是哪一位俄国女皇要死掉呢,”一位军官问。What Czarina will die this time?" an officer asked."

这位女皇要求人人都要对她打躬作揖。The empress expected everyone to bow and scrape to her.

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当然了。她是撑杆跳的女皇了。Of course, she will. She is the queen of the pole vault.

我忘记了我是大力士,而你却只是白面女皇!I forgot that I was hercules, and you only the pale Omphale!

女皇为威廉王子挑选女朋友是真的吗?Is it true that the Queen chose Prince William's girlfriend?

中国跳水女皇郭晶晶2010年会结婚吗?Will Guo Jingjing, China's diving queen, get married in 2010?

现任女皇正是爱德华三世相隔17代的孙女。The Queen is Edward III's great-granddaughter, 17 times removed.

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伊丽莎白让苏格兰玛丽女皇,身处了这个尴尬的境地。She has subjected Mary Queen of Scots to precisely that position.

很遗憾,你这个语无伦次的黑暗精灵还不够资格左右我们的女皇。The ravings of Dark Elves, sadly, are of somewhat less importance.

看了老徐的博客,她已是世界博客女皇,不知道她天天那么忙哪有时间来写博客。When I am free I scan Xu's blog who has been the queen of blog world.