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地貌学研究地形的成因及其变化。The study of the evolution and configuration of landforms.

坡地发育是地貌学研究的基本问题之一。Slope development is one of the elementary issues of geomorphology.

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地貌学研究地形的成因及其变化。Geomorphology deals with the origin of landscapes and changes in them.

欢迎参加国际地貌学家协会丹霞地貌工作组第一次会议!Welcome to The First Conference of Danxia Geomorphology Working Group of IAG!

沈玉昌教授是我国著名的地理学家和杰出的地貌学家。Professor Shen Yuchang is a famous geographer and outstanding geomorphologist in China.

奥勃鲁契夫是19世纪俄国的著名地质和地貌学家。Obrutchev lived in the 19th century as a famous geologist and geomorphologist in Russia.

岩石风化的研究一直受到地貌学家、地质学家和岩土工程学家的关注。The study on rock weathering attracts attention of geomorphologists, geologists and geotechnical engineers.

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板块构造革命和空间形象新技术推动了80年代大地貌学的更新。Plate tectonic revolution and new space image technique had promoted the renewal of mega-geomorphology in the 1980's.

利用沉积学、地貌学、古地磁研究结果,对西昆仑晚新生代构造活动进行了探讨。Based on geomorphologic and paleomagnetic studies, the Late Cenozoic tectonic movement in the West Kunlun are discussed.

他在这篇绝笔序言中,对发展地貌学的一些意见,值得我们永远学习和纪念。His ideas on developing geomorphology in some last words of the forward are worthy of our forever study and commemoration.

在现代动力作用和地貌形态组合研究基础上,进行了潮汐汊道动力地貌学分类。Based on the study of modem dynamic and combination of landform, tidal inlet is classified by dynamic geomorphology system.

夷平面作为地貌学上最好的“地层”标志,是最近地理学界的热点。The planation surface is the hot spot in recent geography educational world as the best "the stratum" symbol of geomorphology.

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和地下的水道砂岩打交道的石油地质工作者,必须具备地貌学方面的基础知识。The petroleum exploration geologist working with subsurface channel sandstone must have a background knowledge of geomorphology.

从事地质与地貌、遥感与地理信息系统在地貌学以及地质公园管理研究中的应用研究。She is engaged in the application of GIS and remote sensing in geology and geomorphology, and also in geoparks management research.

研究活动构造与造貌运动对地貌发育的影响,赋予了“构造地貌学”新的活力。Studies on the effects of active tectonics and morphogenetic movement have given new vitality to the course of structural geomorphology.

本文运用古地理和地貌学分析方法探讨新疆博格多峰西北三工河谷地古冰川地貌和冰期问题。This paper deals with the Quaternary glaciation and landforms in the Sangonghe valley Nerthwest slope Begedo Crest, East Tianshan Mount.

史蒂芬•哈里森是一位地貌学家,专门研究地貌对气候变化的反应。Stephan Harrison is a geomorphologist, specialising in landscape responses to climate change, at Exeter University and Oxford University.

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在地貌学研究中,数学—物理方法首先被引入到流域地貌的形成、演化的研究中。In the field of Geomorphology , mathematical methods are first poured into drainage geomorphology for the study of its forming and evolving.

利用气候地貌学原理,分析研究了巴丹吉林沙漠及其毗邻地区的景观类型。On the basis of climatic geomorphology, the author investigates the types of landscape in the Badain Jaran Desert and its surrounding areas.

气候地貌学广泛运用气候学和数理统计学方法,以及相应的物理、化学的方法。Climate geomorphology extensive use of climatology and mathematical statistical methods, and the corresponding physical and chemical methods.