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我超爱玳瑁眼镜框。I love tortoise shell frames.

而全球气候变化又是玳瑁海龟生存的另一个威胁。A further threat to the hawksbill turtle is global climate change.

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请您看看这款镜架,它是由玳瑁做成的,看上去很优雅而且是天然的,对不?Look at this! It's made of tortoise. It's elegant and natural, isn't it?

我把她的玳瑁小眼睛架到她的鼻子上,我自己笑了笑。I placed her tiny tortoise-shell glasses on her nose and laughed to myself.

著名的商品有珍珠、犀角、玳瑁、象牙等。Well-known commodities pearls, rhinoceros horn, sea turtle, ivory and so on.

筝架、玳瑁指甲、胶布、古筝布罩、琴凳等…Guzheng stand, Guzheng nails, Plastic tape, Guzheng cover, Guzheng stool etc.

他们的塑料镜框──通常是黑色、玳瑁色或鲜艳的彩色──中空无一物。The plastic frames, usually in black, tortoiseshell or bright colors, are empty.

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一只玳瑁龟鳍足像翅膀伸展在海底畅游。A hawksbill turtle swims just above the seafloor with flippers spread like wings.

这里的船只经营者,会把剥皮的鱼作为早餐喂送给15只幼年的玳瑁海龟和绿海龟。Boat operators here feed fish-strip breakfasts to about 15 young hawksbill and green turtles.

折扇的材质多为镂雕精巧的象牙、珍珠贝壳、玳瑁、漆木等。The materials used to make these fans ranged from ivory, animal bone, tortoiseshell and lacquer.

现在我有一些新的玳瑁酒杯,我一直会遇到一些有相同杯子的人。Now I have some new large tortoise-shell glasses and keep encountering people with the same glasses.

戴了一副玳瑁眼镜的老绅士看了自己的同事一眼,那一位意味深长地点点头。The old gentleman in the tortoise-shell spectacles looked at his companion, he nodded significantly.

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在靠近萨巴的荷兰安的列斯群岛处,一只玳瑁龟正的海洋避难所的海底上方滑翔。A hawksbill turtle glides just above the floor of a marine sanctuary near Saba, Netherlands Antilles.

多么好看的梳子,纯玳瑁做的,镶着铢宝,颜色恰好配上她那美丽的头发。Beautiful combs, pure tortoiseshell, with jewels set in-just the colour to wear in her beautiful hair.

这些美妙的发梳,纯玳瑁做的,边上镶着珠宝——其色彩正好同她失去的美发相匹配。Beautiful combs, pure tortoise shell, with jewelled rims—just the shade to wear in the beautiful vanished hair.

我喜欢你们工厂生产的玳瑁镜架。上个月咱们买了2000支。此次我想买3000支。I like the tortoise frames produced by your factory. We bought 2000 pieces last month. I'll get 3000 this time.

一只玳瑁八月二十三日于新北市龙洞湾海底,努力挣脱困住牠的渔网。A hawksbill sea turtle struggles to free itself from a fishing net in New Taipei City's Longdong Bay on Aug. 23.

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此外还有蛇油和青蛙油,以及用濒危的亚马逊玳瑁制成的各种饮剂和肥皂。Also available are snake and frog oils and an array of potions and soaps made from the endangered Amazon turtle.

多漂亮的梳子呀,纯玳瑁做的,边上镶着珠宝,恰好能配得上她那美丽的长发。Beautiful combs, pure tortoiseshell, with jewels on the edges-just the right shade to wear in her beautiful hair.

这个女的长得象根棍子一样又高又瘦,一头直垂的黑发,脸庞清秀而苍白,戴一副玳瑁架的眼镜。The girl had a long, thin body, like a stick, straight black hair, a pale, thin face, and she wore horn-rimmed glasses.