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无法取得有效的登入杂凑。Unable to get a valid login hash.

一部自命不凡的杂凑,不可能真正成功。A portentous soufflé that never truly rises.

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这个属性是有金钥的杂凑演算法之金钥。This property is the key for the keyed hash algorithm.

杂凑而成的东西将要印刷的图案设计,如书的封面。A layout of an image to be printed such as a book cover.

在现代密码学中,杂凑函数占据基础而又重要的地位。Cryptographic hash functions play a fundamental role in modern cryptography.

这项技术的原理是比较杂凑加密档案,而非真正的名字。The technique works by comparing cryptographic hashes instead of real names.

因为该查问式是唯一的与随机的,结果得到的杂凑值也是唯一的与随机的。Since the challenge is unique and random, the resulting hash value will also be unique and random.

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范卢特伦为路由设计的杂凑函数,遂成为IBM串流处理器的要件。The hash function that van Lunteren devised for routing became essential for IBM's stream processor.

一个自然的问题是能否利用快速安全的杂凑算法构造相应的分组加密算法呢?。A natural problem is that could one apply for a fast hash scheme to construct a cipher block algorithm.

针对每个资料行建立的群组会随子项目文字或字首一起储存在杂凑资料表中。The groups created for each column are stored in a hash table along with the subitem text or initial letter.

对我来说,这个来自西方的对于假唱杂凑的批评只不过反映了文化上的差异。To me, the hash criticisms on the lip-synching from the West reflected nothing but the differences in culture.

基本上数位签章是藉著套用数学函式于要被签名的资料的杂凑来计算。Typically the digital signature is computed by applying a mathematical function to the hash of the data to be signed.

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这种做法更像证实了一种杂凑的法治,并凸现在这种环境中公正地从事经营的机会微茫。It is more likely to confirm a patchy rule of law and highlight the slim chance of doing business fairly in such an environment.

啊!随后的两个钟头仿佛长了玫瑰色的翅膀似的飞掠过去了。请不要理会折中杂凑的比喻吧!总之,德拉为了给杰姆买礼物,搜索了所有的铺子。Oh, and the next two hours tripped by on rosy wings. Forget the hashed metaphor. She was ransacking the stores for Jim's present.

下次当您看电视保持注意垫附近并作出很少的杂凑马克每一次你看到一个商业鼓励你吃。Next time you watch tv keep a note pad nearby and make a little hash mark every time you see a commercial that encourages you to eat.

如果虚拟路径的长度超过作业系统的档名长度限制,此工具就会改用虚拟路径的杂凑。If the length of the virtual path exceeds the file-name length limit of the operating system, the tool uses a hash of the virtual path instead.

隐私权的拥护者坚称杂凑加密、磁碟交叉比对、匿名辨识与其他类似的技术,依然无法克服他们反对的根本原因。Privacy advocates still maintain that hashes, cross-drive analysis, anonymous resolution and the like do little to overcome their fundamental objections.

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对于有限的储存空间,能够有效使用且在加入或删除时也能快的完成,利用杂凑法是最适当不过了。For the limited storage space, which can be effectively used in acceding to or deleted can be completed faster, using hash method is the most appropriate.

例如,在符号表设计过程中,采用分离层次的杂凑表这一数据结构来实现,提高了编译器的查找速度。For example, hash table technology of level-separate-corresponding method is used to develop symbol table, which improves the seeking speed of the compiler.

但是,对于一个好的密码杂凑函数来说,在实务中应该很难有两个可理解的字串杂凑相同的值。However, with a good cryptographic hashing function, it should be extremely difficult in practice to find two intelligible strings that hash to the same value.