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那个铂原子核就是如此这般的一个骗子。That platinum is such a trickster.

原子核的电荷量是多少?What is the charge of the nucleus?

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在原子的中心有一个原子核。The atom has a nucleus at its core.

强子作用力保持原子核为一整体。The hadronic force holds nuclei together.

那么氦原子核的电荷量是多少呢?So what is the charge on a helium nucleus?

这是锂原子核加上一个电子。This is the lithium nucleus plus electron.

原子核的影响引起超精细结构。Nuclear effects produce hyperfine structure.

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对于氯,它的原子核里有17个质子。And, here, I've got 17 protons in the nucleus.

但是我知道它的原子核中有11个质子。But, I've got a nucleus with 11 protons in it.

原子核的面积。I think this board does not like to go by itself.

我对原子核物理学一窍不通。I'm out of my depth when it comes nuclear physics.

中心有个带正电的原子核。It has a nucleus at the center charged positively.

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而且原子核越重,K因子的值越小。The heavier the nucleus, the smaller the K's value.

我们有一个在轨运行的电子和一个静止原子核。We have an orbiting electron but a stationary nucleus.

听其自然的话,就连高山也会慢慢消逝,甚至原子核也会衰竭。Even mountains wear down, even the nuclei of atoms decay.

而元素的编号是依据元素原子核中质子的数量确定的。The numbers refer to the number of protons in the nucleus.

它作为一种原子核衰变的副产物,产生在铀矿石里。It occurs in Uranium ores as a by product of nuclear decay.

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但还有第二个因素,那就是我们离原子核有多远。But the second factor is how far away we are from the nucleus.

氩的来自原子核的吸引力,是多少呢?What is the pull from the nucleus from argon going to be equal to?

一种元素的原子序数是其原子核中的质子数。An element's atomic number is the number of protons in its nucleus.