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追忆往事的幻想。Of visionary hours.

追忆每一个给过我们记忆的人。People who sent us the retrospection.

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追忆往事,使他的眼睛都亮了。The recollection brightened his eyes.

当我们再相见时,此情只能成追忆了!When we meet again, I can only recall!

他既不会追忆往事,也不会考虑将来。He has no sense of the past or future.

在这样的追忆往事中度过了这个夜晚。In such reminiscences the night was spent.

下面是对他的部分追忆。The following are some remembrances of Mr.

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浓墨的外观,最易引起人对往事的追忆。Thicker ink appearance, the cause of the past.

曾有数不清的追忆,每个追忆中有你。Once had innumerable recalling, each recalls has you.

对于大多数人而言,一个追忆往事是一种简单的旅行。For most of us,a stroll down Memory Lane is an easy trip.

追忆过去,我意识到那只不过是自暴自弃罢了。Looking back, I realize it was nothing but self-sabotage.

对于大多数人而言,追忆往事是一种简单的旅行。For most of us, a stroll down Memory Lane is an easy trip.

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我们追忆起往事,在回忆中我们又一次和好了。We recall from the past, in our memories again and the good.

我苦苦追忆着出事前见到的一切。I tried hard to recollect what I saw just before the accident.

这本年鉴帮助我追忆大学生活。This year book ekes out souvenir of my life in the university.

国庆之日是追忆与反思之日。At this time of national celebration, we recollect and reflect.

随着音乐的缓缓流动,仿若追忆似水流年。Recalling the years flowing away as the music's slowly running.

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然而山峰却留在那里追忆着,依依不舍地用我的爱跟随着你。But the mountain stays and remembers, and follows you with my love.

体味是聪明之父,追忆是聪明之母。Experience is the fto be found ather of wisdom and memory the mother.

至少以后在我的追忆的时候我可以告诉我自己,我是爱过你的。At least in the future when I look back I can tell myself, I Aiguo you.