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一个牵了情丝。A pull the Qingsi of.

德芙妮为谁尽情丝滑?。DE daphne's silky heartily for who?

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情丝断,花飞散。The emotions break, spend deflecting.

那些淡漠褶皱的情丝,被谁等闲的扯碎。Those indifferent fold love, who is easy to.

青丝缠绕着冬季的蝴蝶,欲言又止,只留淡淡情丝。Green silk enwinds winter butterfly, say, only keep light affection silk.

你在古韵阡陌间踏歌而行,我拈缕情丝,看你在红尘中轮回。In ancient Chinese and you the room, I will trace of love, see you in the red circle.

也许不爱,是最好的选择,这红尘中纷纷扰扰的情丝,再也不会割舍不下。Maybe don't love, is the best choice, the red dust in the confused emotions, never love.

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处处都是你的身影,处处都有你的痕迹,我怎么也逃不出你的情丝网。Everywhere is your shadow, there are traces of you, I never run out of your love network.

在中国文化中,头发更是情丝,烦恼丝,因此便是生命。In Chinese culture, hair is "thread of love" and "thread of sorrows", and therefore "thread of life.

若赫起初不答应去拯救胜雪,但是仍对胜雪有一番情丝的他,最后还是赶紧跑到雪森林。Initially Ruohe pretends to be aloof, but later, he rushes to the forest to find Shengxue as he still loves her.

我们编织了一张情网,与尘世相系,却构筑在我们理想之上。我们必须斩断情丝,芬妮。We have woven a web, you and I, attached to this world, but a separate world of our own invention. We must cut the threads, Fanny.

然而,在感情与礼教中徘徊的师爷无力反传统,斩断情丝。However, in the lingering feeling and propriety in the inability of the grand anti-tradition, cut off Emotional Memory to Sanjiang.

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细雨挥洒着,你在此岸,我在彼岸,相望、相思、牵挂,雨水啊,你剪不断,那情丝,那爱语。Sway the rain, this side of you, I on the other side, the sea, Acacia, worried about the rain, ah, you can not cut it Qingsi, that words of love.

一厢情丝独白,欲说还休,辗转反侧,滴滴落下望情的花瓣雨,拼接之际,冷清一旁,无从捡拾。A car Qingsi monologue, want to say also rests, tossing and turning, falling drop by drop at rain of petals, stitching, deserted side, unable to pick up.

一边是剪不断理还乱的情丝,一边又是救苦难济苍生的重任。At the same time does not shear the principle also chaotic emotions, at the same time also rescues the misery Jinan common people's heavy responsibility.

每当听到这首歌的旋律,就想起了过去在部队的生活,丝丝情丝,就像醇香的酒,越久越醇。Whenever hear this songs melody must reminded of the past life in army. to have all kinds of connections. be like the wine of the joss-stick of more old more pure.

透穿千年风雨烟尘,有女子灿若星辰,伴着风情万种和一缕芬芳情丝,缓缓流过多愁善感的眼眸。Pierce for hundreds of years of dust, the woman Canruo stars, with 10000 kinds of style and a ray of fragrance gently through the eyes of love, always melancholy and moody.

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和同一个男人拍拖10年,但是看不到任何结婚迹象的前景,她决定在她还年轻能生孩子之前,斩断这段纠结的情丝。After dating the same man for more than ten years with no likely prospect of an imminent wedding, she determines to cut the knot once and for all, before she becomes too old for childbirth.