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胎儿监护仪?A fetal monitor?

胎儿还会撒尿。The baby also pees.

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这些是胎儿的耳骨。These are fetal ear bones.

胎儿DNA潜藏于母亲的血浆中。Foetal DNA floats in mother's plasma

会对胎儿造成伤害。R61 May cause harm to the unborn child.

一个完整的胎儿期约266天。A full-term fetus is about 266 days old.

脐带血含有胎儿的干细胞。Cord blood contains embryonic stem cells.

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在胎儿的位置,她会用勺子。Curl up in the fetal position, she spoons.

可能有对胎儿造成伤害的危险。R68 Possible risk of irreversible effects.

她能感到胎儿有时在动。She can feel the child quickening at times.

为什么最近的很多研究集中于胎儿感觉?。Why the recent interest in fetal sentience ?

当男性胎儿逐渐发育,睪丸便会下降。As a male fetus develops, the gonads descend.

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但没有法令禁止胎儿性别检测。But there is no law prohibiting fetal sexing.

多环芳烃同样对胎儿的DNA产生直接影响。Also, PAHs may affect the fetus’ DNA directly.

胎儿还未成形,那就去打掉吧。Fetus has not yet forming, then to destroy it.

共检出5例NT增厚的孕妇,均伴有不良胎儿结局。There were 5 abnormal fetuses with a thick NT.

食物和氧气很容易从妈妈身体传递给胎儿。FOOD and oxygen pass easily from mother to fetus.

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其它州则强调胎儿所受的痛苦。Other states emphasise the pain felt by foetuses.

无脑儿是胎儿颅穹窿缺陷。Anencephaly is absence of the fetal cranial vault.

如果检测到Y染色体,则胎儿是个男性。If the Y chromosome is detected, the fetus is male.