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我们要核计之后才能决定。We'll make a decision after calculating.

文章同时指责美国将平壤核计化作为借口,孤立朝鲜。The article also accused the US of using the Pyongyang nuclear program as a pretext to isolate the DPRK.

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然而无论由多核计算引出的架构挑战如何,它们只是冰山中的一角。Whatever the architectural challenges posed by multicore computing, however, they’re only the tip of the iceberg.

文中以某轮曲轴修复为例,介绍了镀铁修复工艺及曲轴强度校核计算。Taking the repair of some crankshaft as example, this paper proves that Dong's Iron plating technique is very reliable.

并结合某隧道施工中选用的土压平衡盾构机,对关键参数进行了校核计算。Combining the soil pressure balance TBM selected in certain tunnel construction, the paper makes check calculation to the key parameters.

跟着市场经济的成长,会计核计的重要性与日俱增,会计核计中的税下操持技法更是重要。Along with the development of the market economy, accounting of the growing importance of accounting skills of tax planning is more important.

同时对塔器在吊装过程中的不同受力状态进行分析,并对塔体各危险截面进行校核计算。At the same time, the different loaded conditions of the tower in lifting process were analyzed, and the each risk transverse section was checked.

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本文介绍了秦山核电厂反应堆堆芯冷却剂温度系数测量试验的理论核核计算工作。In this paper, the verifying calculation of coolant temperature coefficient measurement forQinshan NPP is introduced. This work reaches higher level.

介绍了PW200K型转向架空气弹簧复合座的结构特点,对该部件进行了改进设计和强度校核计算。The structure features of the air spring on PW200K bogies are described. The design improvement and strength checking calculation are made for the part.

对对称逻辑函数的零级核计算问题进行了讨论,并给出了一个计算对称逻辑函数零级核的定理。The computation of kernels of symmetric logic functions was discussed and a new theorem for computing the level-0 kernels of symmetric logic functions was presented.

例如,如果一家软件公司的目标是在行业内实现最快速成长,那么其主要绩效指标可能是核计年度收益。For example, if a software company's goal is to have the fastest growth in its industry, its main performance indicator may be the measure of revenue growth year-on-year.

稽核计画应加以规划,规划时依流程的状况和重要性、被稽核的区域和先前稽核结果考虑。An audit program shall be planned, taking into consideration the status and importance of the processes and areas to be audited, as well as the results of previous audits.

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加固后对建筑物的观测以及力学校核计算都说明了高压旋喷方法对地基补强是十分有效的。Observation and mechanical check calculation after completion of consolidation shown that high pressure jet grouting method is highly effective for foundation consolidation.

通用航空和中国合作伙伴中航工业系统为C919提供部分航电设备,包括双核计算系统,驾驶舱显示器和飞行记录仪。GE Aviation and Chinese partner AVIC Systems are supplying part of the avionics on the C919, including the twinjet's core computing system, cockpit displays and flight recorders.

外部检核计算结果表明,精密定位计算时顾及观测量精度差异可进一步提高定位精度。The conclusion of exterior checking shows that considering the different observation accuracy when doing precise positioning calculation can further enhance positioning accuracy.

曲轴修理过程中进行曲轴剩余强度校核十分重要,结合董氏无刻蚀镀铁工艺修复十分可靠。文中以某轮曲轴修复为例,介绍了镀铁修复工艺及曲轴强度校核计算。It's very important to calculate crankshaft remain strength. Taking the repair of some crankshaft as example, this paper proves that Dong's Iron plating technique is very reliable.

该装置由预警系统、脱离及切断系统、卡紧机构和液压控制系统等组成,对其强度校核计算进行了简要介绍。This system includes alarming system, releasing and cutting system, locked equipment and hydraulic-pressure controlling system, and the calculation of intensity is briefly introduced.

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通过实例验证,该设计系统能够准确的提取DXF文件的电磁铁结构尺寸数据,并实现了电磁铁体积最小的优化处理和吸力校核计算结果的高精确度。It proved that the design system can exact read the structural dimensions of electromagnet in DXF, realize the processing of the smallest volume and high precision of suction checking.