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方经理的刁难与妻子的不懂得。His wife and the manager fang not understand.

那些坏孩子把房间弄脏,以此来刁难女佣人。The bad children left the room dirty to spite the maid.

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那些坏孩子把房间弄脏来刁难女佣人。The bad children left the room dirty to spite their maid.

在卡拉与披素的婚礼上,赛楠蓬挺着大肚子前来刁难讽刺卡拉。In kara and wedding, nan peng belly belly to spite irony Carla.

别人都同意这个决议,你为甚麽偏要故意刁难?Everybody else accepts the decision. Why must you be so bloody-minded?

这些政治刁难是由文化困境积重难返造成的。These political difficulties are piled on top of cultural difficulties.

Dicky在学校里又遭到同学的欺负和老师的刁难。At school, Dicky is subjected to harassment by his classmates and teachers.

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天涯精心照顾着梦蝶一家,暗中处处刁难落魄的庭深。You take good care of a butterfly, secretly everywhere deep down the court.

记者想用那些让人难为情的问题来刁难这位候选人。The reporter wants to heckle the candidate with those embarrassing question.

女经理伊丽莎白·阿彻多次胁迫和刁难亚当斯先生。Mr Adams was repeatedly bullied and picked on by manageress Elizabeth Archer.

其他刁难外商投资企业的行为。Other behaviors of making things difficult for foreign-investment enterprises.

在第五个问题之后,我发现…-我妈妈在刁难我。Right about after the fifth question I realized that my mother is heckling me.

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记者想用那些让人难为情的问题来刁难这位候选人。The reporter wanted to heckle the candidate with those embarrassing questions.

自从发生争吵之后,校长老师刁难这位新老师。Ever since their argument the principal has been making it hot for the new teacher.

塞琳开端到杰米的公司工作,却遭到了科拉松夫人的成心刁难。Celine beginning to jamie company work, has encountered cora loose lady mean bewilders.

士兵们经常用武力来刁难或迫害学者。Soldiers in this country often use their power to embarrass and deprecate the scholars.

佛朗西斯。福德。库普勒把克里斯托弗。内尔保举给乔治。卢卡斯尴尬刁难白引导。Francis Ford Doppola suggested Dhristopher Neil to George Lucas to be the dialogue coach.

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不要排斥他人,不要搞小团体,别去理会企图刁难你的屁事。Don't exclude people, don't be cliquey, and ignore any drama that attempts to come your way.

货款保证委员会要求我们做的事,并不完全是毫无意义的或者是故意刁难的。Not everything that the Loan Guarantee Board asked us to do was trivial or unduly meddlesome.

当时三位资深考官假设出一个公司客户面临的棘手问题轮番刁难。Three senior officials grilled her about a hypothetical thorny problem for a corporate client.