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照马司模所言,那就是“我们要在这里站稳脚跟”。We are here to stay.

伤过。我两个脚跟都摔断过。Yeah. I've broken both my heels.

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那个兵两脚跟咔嗒一声,立正敬礼。The soldier clicked his heels and saluted.

风很大,我几乎站不稳脚跟。It was so windy I could hardly keep my feet.

我的新鞋把我的脚跟磨起泡了。My new shoes have made blisters on my heels.

从脚跟,我们得到的中底底盘。From the heel, we get to the midsole chassis.

使它们不受皮肤干燥和脚跟干裂的影响。Keep them free from dry skin and cracked heels.

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用德国的脚跟把她们踩入泥淖!Trample them in the mire under the German heel!

我渴望有一件长及脚跟的棕色绒面革大衣。I hankered after a floor-length brown suede coat.

当我走动时,它就在我脚跟上下滑动。It slides up and down my heel when I walk around.

脚尖向外转动,脚跟向内靠紧。Tiptoe to outside rotation, heel to close within.

输入脚跟高脊线步行很舒服。Enter at heel high ridge walk is very comfortable.

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我脚跟都起水泡了,脚趾也擦伤了。I have blisters on my heels and bruises on my toes.

加垫衣领和舌头用尼龙脚跟拉环。Padded collar and tongue with nylon heel pull loop.

女人都打蛇头,蛇则咬女人的脚跟。The woman said, 'The serpent tricked me, and I ate.

相隔五步路,大家就不约而同的站住脚跟。Five feet apart they paused as if by mutual consent.

猴子脚跟上绑了坠子,还能快乐地活蹦乱跳吗?Can Jackanapes be merry when his clog is at his heel?

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领加厚脚跟拉片很容易就和关。Padded collar with heel pull tab for easy on and off.

非标定义的马蹄脚跟橡胶外底。Non-marking rubber outsole with defined horseshoe heel.

我们决不可认为后脚跟的脂肪有缓冲作用。We can't really talk about fat on the heel as cushioning.