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他用银行本票支付购股金。He payed his subscription by banker's order.

二依合作社股金总额或合作社联合社所属合作社股金总额比例定之。Determined according to the total capital of each cooperative or cooperatives union.

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最后我就只有洗耳恭听,如果你不同意的话,你就太傻了,你最好能把我入的股金还给我,我就走人。Finally I was. Listen, if you don't take this you're so dum, you'd better buy me out.

指不出股金、赚了分红,而赔了不受损失的股份。Shares that do not require payment of a unit price and that can earn a free dividend.

这家再保险会违反他明智的判断,用了大笔股金购买外国债券。Against his better judgment, the society had invested much of its holdings in foreign securities.

截面为圆形或椭园形的单股金属线用高延展性的钢材制成,其上缠有或焊有铁刺。Single-strand wire , round or oval , is made from high-tensile steel with the barbs crimped or welded on.

毕业生请到合作社办公室办理退社手续,并领回入社股金及利息。Graduates need to go to the office of Cooperatives to apply for withdrawal and receive your premium and interest.

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国外随着合作社制度的出现,社员股金制度已有很长的历史。The foreign occurrence as cooperation system, system of commune member money paid for shares already had very long history.

毕业生请到合作社办公室办理退社手续,并领回入社股金及利息。Graduates please go to the association of cooperation's office to sign off the membership and receive personal stock and interests.

如借款人资不抵债,银行首先用其成员国缴纳的资金全力给予支持,然后要求其成员国再追加认购股金。If the borrower defaulted, the Bank would first use up the money paid in by its member countries, then call on them to contribute more.

对使用股金收取利息,银行已成功地将股金增长了近一倍。By charging interest on money contributed initially by member countries, the Bank has succeeded in roughly doubling these contributions.

先生将退出,其子A.S。先生将成为合伙人,并承受其父在本公司的股金与利润。Mr. R. S. will withdraw, and his son. Mr. A. S. , will be admitted a partner, with his father's share in the capital and profits of the firm.

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如果用低碳钢或铝制,则所用的金属线需用双股绞合而成,这样的双股金属线的强度比单股金属线更大,受温度的影响更小。Mild steel and aluminum barbed wire have two strands twisted together to form a cable which is stronger than single-strand wire and less affected by temperature changes.

第三部分,从股金、人员、业务等情况论述南区合作社从建立到逐步发展,并成为综合性合作社的概况。The third part expounds the Southern Cooperative's stages from establish to gradually develop into a comprehensive co-operatives based on the stocks, personnel, business and so on.