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一总有多少?How many are there in all?

这些任务一总交给你干。Leave all the tasks to you.

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她一总花了五十元。She spent fifty yuan in all.

我有一总如释重负的感觉。I have a sense of completion.

2007年的这一总数为7万。In 2007, that number stands at 70,000.

而近年来,这一总体规划遭遇严峻考验。But the master-plan has been under strain for years.

中心在两国各设一总部。The Center will haveoneheadquarters in each country.

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中心在两国各设一总部。The Center will have oneheadquarters in each country.

最后以粿印的文化艺术省思作一总结。In the end, he gives comments on this rice making art.

在这一总方针的指导下,原子弹方面的研究开始了。Under that general policy, research on the atomic bomb was begun.

他说她从未支持过任一总统候选人。He said she never supported any particular presidential candidate.

在实验性糖尿病中,吡哆胺是一总有效的AGE抑制剂。Pyridoxamine is an efficient AGE inhibitor in experimental diabetes.

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在前五章研究基础上,本章对主要观点作一总结。Based on the first five chapters, this chapter summarizes the main points.

通常,必须在某一总线主控PCI扩展槽中拥有驱动器适配器。In general, must be in a PCI bus master expansion slot has a drive adapter.

你的建议应归入就业改造这一总的范畴。Your suggestion belongs under the general heading of employment reorganization.

矿区构造简单,为一总体走向北西、倾向南西的单斜构造。The tectonic is simple , which is a monoclinal structure , northwest trend , southeast dip.

本文就此次冷修对贫化炉区炉顶结构改进做一总结。This paper sums up the experi-ces to improve the cleaning zone roof structure in cold maintenance.

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该文对近十年来新分离出的苯丙素苷类化合物做一总结。A rapid increased isolation in the number of PPGs has been reviewed in this article in recent ten years.

北京市海淀寄读学校副校长、主任及教师与林君一总干事及则仁中心梁振萍院长合照。The Vice Principal and senior teachers of Beijing Haidian Boarding School with our General Secretary, Mr.

我并不眷恋这个角色。我有一总如释重负的感觉。所有人都希望这电影能有个好结局。I don't miss the character. I have a sense of completion. Everyone was wanting it to come to its grand finale.