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一只么有带子的手提包。A valise lacking straps.

噢,我的手提包呢?Oh! Where's my hand-bag?

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我更喜欢红色的手提包。I prefer the red handbag.

易钉手提包从圣罗兰!Easy Studded Tote from YSL!

用X光扫描手提包及身体。X-ray check and body touch.

用巧克力做的手提包。Purses made out of chocolate.

手提包不必过秤了。You need't weigh your handbag.

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他携带一个帆布大手提包。He is carrying a canvas carryall.

他折回去拿他的手提包。She went back to get her handbag.

她把手提包放在桌子上。She deposited the bag on the table.

这个手提包是用鳄鱼皮做的。The purse is made of crocodile skin.

他从手提包里拿出一壁剃须镜。He took a shaving mirror from his bag.

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她在手提包里乱翻一气找梳子。She pawed through her purse for a comb.

皮革手提包风格单肩包。Hobo style shoulder bag made of leather.

她在手提包里乱翻一气找火柴。She pawed through her purse for matches.

一个人从她手中抢走了手提包。A man twitched the handbag from her hand.

在回家的路上,她的手提包被抢劫了。Her handbag was pillaged on her way home.

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她的手提包在大白天里给人抢去了。She had her handbag robbed in the daytime.

他用手提包换了一部手机。He bartered his handbag for a mobile phone.

而且你也不能把笔记本手提包带到海滩。And you can't tote that laptop to the beach.