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大暑之后,时序到了立秋。Dashu, the timing to Liqiu.

时序电路测试生成算法产生的向量存在冗余。And applies this method to the sequence circuit.

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时序模型适用性检验的核心是模型阶数确定问题。The determination of the order is the core of the test.

研究了棉田天敌群落时序动态。The dynamics of the natural enemy community was studied.

经检验,时序为白噪声的零假设被拒绝。The null hypothesis to be white noise has been rejected.

一款用来绘制电路时序图的软件。Easy Timing is designed to draw electrical timing diagrams.

时序部分基于可配置的D型触发器。The sequential part is based on a configurable D-type flop.

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使用时序图建模应用程序执行流程Using sequence diagrams to model application execution flow

给出了激光器的结构、脉冲调Q的时序。The set-up and Q-switching pulse sequence of laser are given.

本文对赫夫曼时序电路模型提出修正。In this paper the sequential Circuitmodel by Huffman is revised.

时序刚刚过了秋分,就觉得突然增加了一些凉意。The weather suddenly grew chilly just after the autumnal equinox.

根据对边坡变形规律的研究,建立了边坡位移序列的叠合时序模型。Based on the study of the law of slope displacement a hybrid T. S.

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从时序、速度、频率三方面入手。From the timing, speed and frequency of the three-pronged approach.

本文提出异步时序电路的设计方法。A method of designing asynchronous sequential circuits is presented.

而在叙事时序上主要是利用倒叙和预叙制造悬念。As for narrative scheduling, flashback and prolepse were mainly used.

研究表明,洪旱灾害受灾面积的时序分布具有分形特征。The time serials was discussed and the fractal dimension was computed.

饥饿的兔子是一个街机游戏,这需要一定的技巧,时序和逻辑。Hungry Bunny is an arcade game, which requires skills, timing and logic.

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时序建模作出的AR谱具有谱线平滑,特征频率定位准确的优点。The AR spectrum is smoothness and can give exact characteristic frequency.

提出了一种设计同步时序逻辑电路的新方法。A new method of designing synchronous sequential logic circuits is propsed.

最后介绍了采用EPROM完成状态机时序电路实现的具体方法。The EEPROM based implementation of the state-machine is introduced at last.