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我脖子上长了个脓包。I developed an abscess on my neck.

李则拒绝躲在唯美的笔调后面不去刺痛真正的社会脓包。Lee refuses to hide behind aesthetics.

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这些侵略红蚂蚁会咬人,留下一发痒,痛苦的脓包。Invasion of red ants bite, resulting in itchy, painful blister.

脓包一破溃,就应该用消毒液清洗。Once an abscess has burst it should be bathed with antiseptic liquid.

现在我们决不能忍受这群长着脓包、喝醉了的小兔崽子们的无礼举动。Now, we won't submit to impertinence from these pimply, tipsy virgins.

开始是在针眼处出现一个小红结节,几个星期或几个月后发展为脓包、脓肿或溃疡。Over weeks or months it can develop into a large pustule, abscess, or ulcer.

即便有植入的人造颚板,任何如此高浓度的脓包都会在CT扫描中显示出来。Any abscess containing that much pus would show up on the CT scan, even with a jaw plate.

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硫磺是一种能够很好帮助你身体清除粉刺、疤痕和脓包的物质。Sulphur is a good substance which can help your body to eradicate acne, blemishes, and breakouts.

韩冷不亏为羽林卫指挥使,并非我想象的那么脓包。Han Leng not the Kui make for the feather Lin Wei's conductor, not I imagine so worthless scoundrel.

青春痘通常可分为硬块痘、脓包痘和丘状痘。The whelk usually may divide into the hard lump smallpox, pustule smallpox and the dome-shaped smallpox.

经过那样一次大乱子,脓包破了以后,我们的国家只会更加巩固。Through a big disturbance of this kind, our country will emerge all the stronger after the boil has burst.

肿瘤,良性肿瘤,脓包或侵入脑部敏感组织或神经系统的病兆。Tumor, neoplasia, abscess, or lesion that invades a sensitive part of brain tissue, or the nervous system.

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“作为一个外科医生,长一个脓包就要切除一个,排出脓水才能让身体恢复健康,”他说。"As a surgeon where there is an abscess, you cut, you evacuate the pus and you let the body heal, "8 he said.

它们逐渐变成粘稠,发硬,产生脓包状的伤痕,而这些粘稠的脓事实上是组织残骸They evolve to become very dense, hard, pustular lesions, which are filled with what turns out to be tissue debris.

皮肤出油过多会滋生细菌,引发感染问题,产生脓包。This excess oil traps bacteria normally found on the skin and causes the infection and the resulting pus production.

把耳镜取出来之后,她说我耳朵里感染了,而她刚刚不小心挤破了里面的一个脓包。When she pulled it out, she told me that I had an ear infection, and that she'd popped a pimple in there by mistake.

事实上,对医疗腐败。社会上早有“戳不破的脓包”一说,如何整治,各家都有高招。In fact, corrupt to medical treatment. Have early socially " stamp infrangible blain " say, how punish, each have wise move.

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这些打击人积极性的问题甚至可以扼杀掉最坚强的人的动力。如果任由它像脓包一样溃烂,情况会更糟。These debilitating questions can kill the motivation of even the strongest person, especially if these questions are left to fester.

百多邦是中美史克旗下的外伤与脓包药,之前从未投过互联网。Bactroban is a GSK's medicine for surgical injuries and pustules. This is the first time the medicine was communicated through Internet.

他取出脓包中的,由这种,非常特殊的过程产生的液体,他还发明了一种将之接种到人身上的方法He took this pustular fluid that was produced at this very specific phase of the disease, and he developed a way for giving that to people.