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你要用皂荚木做一座烧香的坛。Make an altar of acacia wood for burning incense.

他用皂荚木做香坛,是四方的,长一寸,宽一寸,高二寸。They made the altar of incense out of acacia wood.

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要用皂荚木作杠,用金包裹。Make the poles of acacia wood and overlay them with gold.

要用皂荚木做两根贡,用金包裹。Then make poles of acacia wood and overlay them with gold.

他用皂荚木做帐幕的竖板。They made upright frames of acacia wood for the tabernacle.

又用皂荚木做了杠杆,包上了金。And he made bars of setim wood, which he overlaid with gold.

你应做焚香的坛,用皂荚木制造。Thou shalt make also an altar to burn incense, of setim wood.

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用皂荚木做杠,用铜包裹。They made the poles of acacia wood and overlaid them with bronze.

要用皂荚木做两根杠,用金包裹,以便抬桌子。Make rods of the same wood, plated with gold, for lifting the table.

又要为祭坛做槓,就是皂荚木的槓,要包上铜。Make poles of acacia wood for the altar and overlay them with bronze.

应用皂荚木做支帐棚用的木板。Thou shalt make also the boards of the tabernacle standing upright of setim wood.

要用皂荚木做两根贡,用金包裹,以便抬桌子。Make the poles of acacia wood, overlay them with gold and carry the table with them.

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要用皂荚木作一张桌子,长二肘,宽一肘,高一肘半。Make a table of acacia wood-two cubits long, a cubit wide and a cubit and a half high.

他用皂荚木做两根杠,用金包裹,以便抬桌子。The poles for carrying the table were made of acacia wood and were overlaid with gold.

对皂荚胶与黄原胶的最佳配比及其复配胶流变性进行了研究。The rheology of a compound system of Gleditsia sinensis gum with xanthan gum was studied.

三刺皂荚碱虽然没有细胞激动素活性,但当进行高压消毒时,就出现了活性。Triacanthine, however, has no cytokinin activity, but this appears when it is autoclaved.

他用皂荚木作一张桌子,长二肘,宽一肘,高一肘半。They made the table of acacia wood-two cubits long, a cubit wide, and a cubit and a half high.

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又用皂荚木做了横木为帐棚这一面木板做了五根。He made also bars of setim wood, five to hold together the boards of one side of the tabernacle.

对皂荚胶及皂荚胶与黄原胶复配胶的耐盐稳定性进行了研究。In the article, the salt resistance of Gleditsia Gum Xanthan and their blended Gum were studied.

研究了胡芦巴、皂荚、野皂荚与塔拉种子组分和多糖胶性质。The composition and property of polysaccharide gums in seeds of fenugreek, Gleditsia sinensis Lam.