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他有劲地开始工作。He sailed into his work.

你家谁有劲做饭?Who cooks in your household?

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⊙、你早上吃屎了,说话咋内有劲!You eat shit in the morning, speak ye in!

这一回啊,要是我们是带着路易十六出奔,那该多有劲。I wish WE'D a had the handling of Louis XVI.

让你的头脑保持清醒,你就会浑身年轻有劲。Keep your mind awake and you will stay young all over.

有劲瞎使是个很严重的问题。The misapplication of effort is a very serious matter.

风小了,可是利飕有劲,使人颤抖。The wind was dropping, but its soughing made men shiver.

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该车的最大优点就是省油有劲、提速快、空间大。The car's biggest advantage is the fuel energy, fast speed, large space.

我想都没想过自己60岁的时候会是这样子的,”他说,“你做起事情来更有劲,玩起来也更有劲了。I never dreamed it to be like this at 60, " he says. "You can work better.

在我进行自我提高的训练以后,我觉得浑身有劲了。It baffles me that after all this self-improvement training, I feel stuck.

那天,春末夏初的和风吹得正有劲,摇晃着悬铃木的梢头。A brisk May breeze was blowing, which swayed the crests of the plaintain-trees.

发笑鬣狗的双颌特别有劲,使它能够啃大骨头。The laughing hyena has tremendous power in its jaws, enabling it to crack large bones.

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面筋是越凉越有劲道,所以最好存放在阴凉的地方。Gluten has a better texture when it is cold, so it is better to store it in a cool place.

皮肤会从这款新到的柔软皮肤的配方中取得强有劲的保湿。Your skin deserves the extra moisturizing power of this newly enriched soft-skin formula.

阵阵有力的步伐,声声有劲的呐喊,运动场上洒下我们青春的点点滴滴。Strong bursts of pace, the sound started cheering, sport shed bits and pieces of our youth.

自从吃了月饼呀,腰不疼,腿不软,包月饼也有劲了!Since eating moon cake ah, back hurt, legs are not soft, but also strong and the moon cake package!

两人谈的正有劲,警察局的密探已经找到九爷那里,要抓他们。Two people talk about is brilliant, the police departments agent has found nine ye, there to catch them.

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一想到这里,本肿心里又开始觉得蛮有劲的,熊市里滴乐趣还真不少呀!I think here, the swollen heart began to feel quite strong, the bear market, it drops a lot of really fun!

热忱是会感染的,在一个积极有劲的人面前,你是很难保持冷漠的态度。Enthusiasm is contagious. It's difficult to remain neutral or indifferent in the presence of a positive thinker.

鸡肉做的可真好,仍旧粉粉的连在骨架上,嫩嫩的却有劲道,绝对的柔滑。The chicken is cooked perfectly, still light pink at the bone, soft but with a bit of chew, and absolutely silky.