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因此,这些秦汉简牍具有很高的学术价值。Therefore, the Qin and Han Jian Du of high academic value.

其实这种命名并不恰当,也并不能真实的反映出简牍的性质。Actually, The name"Lipu"doesn't reflect the quality of bamboo.

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我为总经理起草商业简牍。I drafted trpostecorrespondence for the generas mpowerfulager.

两汉书籍的形态是简牍书和帛书两种。Bamboo and wood slips and silk are the hook materials in Han Dynasty.

近年来,许多学者都在关注这批简牍的整理工作。Recently many scholars are making an effort to rearrange these strips.

长沙走马楼出土的简牍已部分整理发表。The bamboo strips excavated in Changsha Zhoumalou have been partly classified and published.

本文主要以简牍图片为研究对象,详细论述了灰度图像的分割问题。In this paper , mainly studied the Bamboo Slips pictures, focused on gray picture splitting problems.

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汉代文献中有多处提到用简牍缣帛写书,近代的考古发掘甘此作出了有力的证明。Not only in the ancient literatures, but in the modern archeology fields can we find a lot of evidences.

出土简牍文献促使我们对以往中国數学史的研究方法进行反思。Thirdly, the unearthed strips impel us to rethink the methods of study on history of mathematics in China.

因此,我们暂将这批竹简划归西汉简牍一并论述。Therefore, we temporarily assigned to this group of bamboo along the Western Han Dynasty Jian Du discussed.

简牍的发现与利用对中国史研究的很多方面都产生了深刻的影响。The discovery and use of bamboo and wooden strips have greatly influenced the study on the history of China.

秦代刻石与简牍上的书法分别反映了贵族与平民书风。Qin Dynasty Stele with bamboo slips on the calligraphy reflected the characteristic of nobility and civilian.

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简牍内容涉及历史年号复杂,定名“长沙走马楼简牍”是合适的。The name"Changsha Zhoumalou bamboo strips"is suitable owing to the complexity of the history chronology it involved.

关于我国考古发现的秦代竹木简牍,依据报道还有三批。On China's archaeological discoveries of the Qin Dynasty bamboo Jian Du, according to reports there are three batches.

但在中国數学史的研究中,简牍所发挥的作用曾长期非常有限。But the effect of the bamboo and wooden strips on the study on the history of mathematics of China had been very limited for a long time.

最初的毛笔是用来涂描甲骨文的笔画的,而真正用毛笔写字,能够开端于简牍和锦帛上文字的书写。The original painted brush is used to describe Oracle strokes, while the real brush writing, may begin in the Jian Du and Jin text written on silk.

出土于中国西北地区的简牍中包含有丰富而珍贵的汉匈关系史资料,但是,多年来被学界所忽略。There are rich and the precious history materials about Han-Hun relationship in bamboo and wooden slips that unearthed last century in Chinese northwest.

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在简牍研究方面,也急需利用信息技术手段改变传统研究方法低效的现状。Also, there is great demand for using new information technology into the traditional Jian Du research methods to change the current low work efficiency status.

以长沙简牍博物馆所收藏的简牍文物为研究模型,提出了将虚拟现实技术与简牍文物展览相结合的新方法。Making the Jiandu relics from Changsha Jiandu museum as a model, presented a new method on exhibition of Jiandu relics combined with virtual reality technology.

久远时代留下的笔歌墨舞,伴随着青铜、丝帛、简牍向世人传递独有的感悟。Fragments of civilization gradually assemble and merge. Characters from ancient times convey unique understanding to people through bronze, silk and bamboo clips.