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他认为泰南太过于逢迎当前时髦的意见。Tynan bent too much to current hip opinion, he thought.

米勒为了逢迎柴斯特菲尔德夫人而替她画了一幅像。Millet made a portrait of Lady Chesterfield, which flattered her.

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所有的竞选者都围绕密西根最大的利益焦点极力逢迎。The candidates all pandered to Michigan's biggest special interest.

格林斯潘留下了一团糟的经济和一生的逢迎讨好。Greenspan will leave an economy in shambles and a lifetime of pandering.

尽管语气中颇有敬意,有时候甚至逢迎,但他很谨慎。Though his tone was respectful, sometimes obsequious , he was also canny.

不要逢迎奉承,对于不喜嬉闹的人不要与其嬉闹。Be no flatterer, neither play with anyone that delights not to be played with.

而中邦的各大流派网站和搜刮引擎也正正在逢迎网官的那类需求。china's major website and search engine is to meet the needs of internet users.

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他们的观点是,通过搞好人际关系、逢迎别人,可以帮助自己更好的发展事业。The idea here is that they could have helped their careers by going along to get along.

她吐气如兰,说话温婉,又是如此逢迎男人心思,真算得上的尤物。She exhaled as Portland, Mild words, man is so personal thoughts, I regarded as the Creature.

现在,我虽然不富也不贵,但我实在想不出任何让我逢迎和巴结别人的理由。Now I am neither rich nor noble, but I totally can not find any reason to flatter or beg anybody else.

格林斯潘所做的,只是把自己的逢迎手段包装成商品,卖给渴望幻觉的文化。What Greenspan did was commodify his own pandering ways and sell them to a culture hungry for illusions.

所以尽管他们作出了努力和逢迎,中国市场依然可能是华尔街企业一块“难啃的骨头”。So for all their efforts -- and kowtowing -- this is likely to remain one tough market Wall Street firms.

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友善和人际关系的改善并不意味着逆来顺受,逢迎拍马。Being nice and improving your work relationships doesn't mean you're a doormat that other people walk all over.

提要我想我们大部分人都可以直觉的辨认出逢迎谄媚和纯粹的利他行为。I think most of us have the instinctive ability to discern between the merely obsequious and the purely altruistic.

逢迎是虚情假意,那会造成别人的戒心和不舒服。Ingratiation is that you show you unction which would make other people feel uncomfortable and have defensive feeling.

因为他是奎尔普先生的食客,有一千种的理由逢迎他,因此只好露出笑容。As he was quite a creature of Mr. Quilp's and had a thousand reasons for conciliating his good opinion, he tried to smile.

他们以为俄罗斯就只是一个大点儿冷淡点儿的法国,一会儿吹胡子瞪眼,一会儿吹捧逢迎,却不会去真干点什么。"They thought that Russia would just be a larger, colder France, huffing and puffing but not really doing anything, " Cohen says.

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这是一种现代反客为主术,不知那些宠幸拍马逢迎者的官员们是否想到了这一层。This is a modern form of 'changes from guest to host', I wonder whether those sycophant and bootlicking government officials realize this.

每当故事讲到她时都从逢迎纵容的口气变为叙述,她就算算不上主要焦点,至少也是推动故事的主要人物。An ingratiating, indulgent tone lollops into the narrative whenever it settles on this woman, the story’s prime mover, if not its prime focus.

在利比亚人揭竿而起之前,穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲用金钱和见缝插针的外交逢迎,缓缓地获得西方的青睐。Before Libyans rose up against him, Muammar Gaddafi used money, and well-timed diplomatic overtures, to worm his way into the West’s good graces.