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一束灯光从门头上的气窗里透了出来。A light appeared through the transom overhead.

专业制造与销售实木透气窗及百叶窗系列。And it also has more than 7years' experiences in producing, designing, and selling in wood industry.

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滑动气窗、隔音气窗以及强大吸入式通风都是牧易的成功产品。Sliding hatches, sound-proof hatches and forced suction ventilation, are successful products of Mooij.

睁眼一看,天啊,真是稀罕事---两只小燕子不知道什么时候从小气窗飞进了我的房间。Eyes open to see, God is really uncommon two Flying Swallow --- do not know when I flew into the small fanlight room.

警方称,这19人当天从戒毒所的卫生间气窗爬出后,越过围墙出逃。The 19 escaped from the center by climbing out of a toilet window and then clambering over the wall of the compound, the police said.

“根据大脑冷却假设,我们认为存在一个气窗促使呵欠产生,”盖洛普说。"Based on the brain cooling hypothesis, we suggest that there should be a thermal window in which yawning should occur," Gallup said.

风车哗啦哗啦地响在壁上,通气窗时时有小的雪片飞进来,在窗台上结着些水珠。The wind from the small opening on the wall was whirring, while from time to time snowflakes flew in to congeal in pearly drops against the window.

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如果希巴女皇住在气窗对面的公寓,德拉总会有一天把头发悬在窗外去晾干,只是为了使那位皇后的珠宝和首饰相形见绌。Had the Queen of Sheba lived in the flat across the airshaft, Della would have lat her hair hang out the widow some day to dry just to depreciate Her Majesty's jewels and gifts.

如果希巴女皇住在气窗对面的公寓,德拉总会有一天把头发悬在窗外去晾干,只是为了使那位皇后的珠宝和首饰相形见绌。Had the Queen of Sheba lived in the flat across the airshaft, Della would have lat her hair hang out the widow some day to dry just to depreciate Her Majesty’s jewels and gifts.

他知道嘉莉不在家,不仅因为门上的气窗没有透出灯光,而且晚报还塞在门外的把手和门之间。He knew that Carrie was not there, not only because there was no light showing through the transom, but because the evening papers were stuck between the outside knob and the door.

为防止潮湿和有害气体的增加,在塑料棚上方前檐下设换气窗,使舍内形成通过换气量可以控制温热状态的小气候。In order to prevent the increase of damp and harmful gases, a window was designed under the front eaves of the plastic shed, so that the microclimate of the room can be controlled.