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虎一帆也给孙铁军打德律风问了问任务的事。Tiger to play SunTieJun capable DE law wind asked task.

由于其杰出的工作,他们被誉为“东乡铁军”。Doing excellent work, they were praised as "Dongxiang invincible army".

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公司注册服务商标为大禹牌,产品商标为铁军牌。Dayu registered service mark for the brand, product brand mark is Iron Army.

此役,面对铁军青岛队,鲁能队要做好艰苦的准备。This service, facing invincible army Team Qingdao, Team Luneng must prepare for difficult.

孙铁军知道自己手下出卖了自己,还想着用钱收买手下。SunTieJun know themselves in charge of betray yourself, still thinking about money buy off hand.

铁军精神是新四军在抗日战争时期形成的战斗精神和战斗品质。The Iron Army Spirit was the fighting spirit of the New Fourth Army embodied in the Anti-Japanese War.

演习中铁军师兵败鹰山,暴露了八大问题。Arms of division of the iron army-invincible army in maneuver defeats accipitral hill, exposed 8 big questions.

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荣生去面试一看是孙铁军地点的公司,最终照样硬着头皮进去了。RongSheng to interview for a look at the site, the company is SunTieJun so eventually crustily skin of head in.

尤斌带燕子过来照顾王兰,沈铁军又找了过来还无赖的说闹是因为爱。YouBin with the swallow come and take care of wang LAN, Shen Tiejun got up rogue also said it is because of love.

用铁军扇标记敌人之后,换成你的主要武器、手枪攻击,或者让你的队友了结敌人。After tagging an enemy with the Fan O'War, switch to your primary weapon or Pistol, or let your teammates finish the job.

荣生正式成了孙铁军公司里的一员了,早上孙铁军给人人包罗荣生上着课。RongSheng officially became a member of the SunTieJun company, SunTieJun morning to everyone in the class LuoRongSheng bag.

具备承建高、大、新、特工程施工及房地产开发的能力,是南通“铁军”劲旅之一。It has the ability to construct high, big, new, special buildings and develop real estate, and it has become one of the strong Nantong Tie.

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他飞奔出房间,迅速叫来了张铁军,再过几分钟,阮振球和一位校友也跌跌撞撞地跑了过来。He dashes the room, was called an invincible army rapidly, crossed several minutes again, Ruan Zhenqiu and an alumnus totteringly has also run.

沈铁军在尤斌的介绍下来到兰姐的店里工作,沈铁军的工作能力得到兰姐的肯定,她给沈铁军的奖金翻了一倍。Shen Tiejun in YouBin introduction down to LanJie shop work, Shen Tiejun work ability get LanJie affirmation, she gave Shen Tiejun bonus doubled.

杨京先生率领他的光通铁军,致力于把光通通信建成业内最受尊敬的数字娱乐企业。Leading Optic mighty army, Mr. Yang Jing devotes to making Optic Communication the most respectable enterprise in the digital entertainment industry.

MGH公司保险业务选择了荣生这让孙铁军非常生气,孙铁军去跟荣生对质,荣生跟他实话实说了。MGH company insurance business chose RongSheng it makes SunTieJun very angry, SunTieJun to RongSheng confrontation, RongSheng told him the truth the.

在宋琦的安排下,李斌和耿星光一组,负责楼上,他和孙铁军一组,负责楼下。In the arrangement of the Song Qi, Li Bin and a group of Geng Xingguang, responsible for the upstairs, he and a group of, is responsible for downstairs.

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孙铁军在北京的一家公司里做了营业主管,他提议让赵荣生可以去本人公司上班,但赵荣生并没承受他的好意。SunTieJun of a company in Beijing do business manager, he would ZhaoRongSheng can go to my company to work, but ZhaoRongSheng and didn't inherit his kindness.

他们是学者、是知识分子,他们到农村办起了“乡村建设学院”,从70多年前晏阳初的“平民教育”到今天温铁军的“后定县试验”,他们都在试图通过NGO的形式去探求解决“三农”问题的另外一种途径。From the Mass Education by Yan Yangchu 70 years ago to the Post-Dingxian Experiment by Wen Tiejun recently, they are trying to solve the Rural Issues though the form of NGO.

赵铁军,博士,教授,博士生导师,语言技术研究中心副主任、哈工大语言语音教育部-微软重点实验室副主任。Prof. Dr. Zhao Tiejun, professor doctorial supervisor, vice director of the Research Center of Language Technology, vice director of MOE-MS Key Laboratory of NLP & Speech in HIT.