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我没有怜悯!I have no pity!

众神还有怜悯心吗?Have the gods no mercy?

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他的心中萌发了怜悯之情。Pity stirred in his heart.

可盲汉不要怜悯。Yet Blindy wanted no pity.

他因怜悯而心软了。His heart melted with pity.

等待的是悲号怜悯。Waiting for the wail mercy.

我不会怜悯你的,我才不。I shall not pity you, not I.

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他是公正的,富有怜悯心的。He's just. He's compassionate.

巫师带着冷酷的怜悯微笑着。Magicka smiled with cool pity.

我把自己交托给你的怜悯。I just cast myself on Your mercy.

请大发慈悲,怜悯我们吧。The old man prayed him for mercy.

听说天国怜悯人间时。When the heaven pities the world.

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请大发慈悲,怜悯我们吧。For very pity' s sake, have mercy.

西奥多恳求怜悯和宽恕。He begs for mercy and forgiveness.

祂看见他们的需要,便动了怜悯之心。He was deeply moved by their need.

‘我主耶稣基督,请怜悯我。’Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me.

但是科萨拉国王毫不怜悯。But the King of Kosala had no mercy.

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显示没有像愚蠢的怜悯揭开序幕!Show no mercy Like a lunacyKick off!

曾历忧伤者方知怜悯他人。He best can pity who has felt the woe.

请神怜悯和医治。Ask for God Mercy and heal the country.