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抓小偷!Stop the thief!

他们是小偷。They are thiefs.

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那个小偷逃亡了。The thief bolted out.

既是小偷又是瘾君子!A thief and a pothead!

他们抓到了小偷。They cought the thief.

你的父亲是个小偷吗?Was your father a thief?

警察抓住了小偷。The police got the thief.

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警察抓了一个小偷。The police caught a thief.

四个孩子中可就有一个是小偷啊!One in four kids shoplifts!

彼得说,「就像绞架上的小偷那样!Like the thief on the gallows.

那小偷窜入一条小巷。The thief dived down an alley.

他抓着小偷的手臂。He seized the thief by the arm.

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小偷躲在一棵树后。The thief lurked behind a tree.

那个小偷将警察给甩掉了。The thief threw the police off.

小偷在一条巷内被抓住了。The thief was awught in a lane.

小偷在做案时当场被捕。The thief was taken in the act.

他抓著那小偷的头发。He caught the hair of the thief.

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州长赦免了这个小偷。The governor pardoned the thief.

小偷破窗而入。The thief entered by the window.

小偷被当场抓住了。The thief was caught red-handed.