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我只是随便问问。I was just asking.

不可以随便喂鱼。Don't feed the fish.

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或者随便说些起作用的话语。or whatever words work.

你是一个会随便用纸的人吗?Are you a paper shuffler?

我只是随便看看而已。I am just window-shopping.

外人是不能随便靠的。Outsides can't lean on it.

随便什么时候顺便来看看我们。Drop in to see us any time.

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我只是随便说说。I am just speaking casually.

来来来,随便选择随便挑。Come on, choose one you like.

哦,随便说一下,看看这里。Oh, by the way. Look at this.

哦,你只是随便说说罢了!Oww, you're just saying that!

避免使用从商店随便买来的记事卡。Avoid store-bought note cards.

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不要随便摸弄我的文件。Don'tinterfere with my papers.

她只不过是随便搞一下化学。She just dabbles in chemistry.

不要随便去尝试吊带装。Donot try to harness installed.

我那时会在崇光百货随便逛。I'll be at Sogo window shopping.

麦克风随便放一下就好You can leave the mike its okay.

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随便说说的话是不会被记住的。A word spoken cannot be recalled.

他喜欢在花园里随便走走。He loves to potter in the garden.

是一种随便不拘礼节的词吗?Is"guy" an informal sort of word?