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随即收回之前的话And they take them back.

我要尽快将其收回。Let me have it back soon.

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我决不收回自己所说的话。I will never unsay my words.

你不能收回你的誓言。You cannot call back your oath.

他要求收回他失去的财产。He re-claimed his lost property.

我这时将油门从加力状态下收回。I bring the throttles out of AB.

连同收回所有温软的废话。And countermand all the soft stuff.

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他收回自己所有的农场。He repossessed himself of his farm.

于955年收回全部主权。Full sovereignty was restored in 955.

但是,瞧!太阳收回它浓艳的光线。But lo! the sun recalls his fervid ray.

他们收回这一地区并且在这里定居。They withdrew and settled in this area.

就是罪人也借给罪人,要如数收回。Even 'sinners' love those who love them.

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汽车停时,收回锋利刺耳刺耳的刹车声。The brakes screeched as the car stopped.

这花散收回一股怪味。This flower gives off an unusuing smell.

哪年哪月,才能够收回我那无尽的宝藏?When can I get back my endless treasure?

共收回答卷13人份,采血13人份。A total of 13 respondents, 13 were blood.

但记忆像被收回去的卷宗。But the memory was like a retrieved file.

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但是,瞧!太阳收回它浓艳旳光线。But look ! The sun recalls his fervid ray.

我希望我能收回刚才我所说的。I wish I could unsay what I said just now.

结果收回问卷384份。Results 384 questionnaires were recovered.