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他们已经成了惊弓之鸟。They have been very scared.

烫过的狗连冷水都怕。/一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。/惊弓之鸟。The scalded dog fears cold water.

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现在资本主义的国家有如惊弓之鸟。Now capitalism is in a funk in its heartlands.

铁彪如惊弓之鸟,说自己实在还不起。Puma bow-string such as iron, said he was also cant afford it.

金价急升,显出投资者已是惊弓之鸟。The surge in gold is a sign of how jittery investors have become.

因为过去巨大的损失,所以投资者们变得如惊弓之鸟,这没什么好奇怪的。In the past because of huge losses as investors become frightened, this is nothing strange.

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投资者似乎已成为惊弓之鸟,任何风吹草动都会成为他们逃离的依据。Investors seem to have become frightened, any sign of trouble will become the basis for their escape.

对于一个小小的希腊的问题,欧洲人都这么混乱,也难怪投资者们对于庞大的意大利会如惊弓之鸟。With Europeans in such a muddle over little Greece, no wonder investors are so terrified by big Italy.

“惊弓之鸟”这个成语比喻受过惊恐之后,有一点动静就特别害怕。This idiom means that if one has been frightened in the past one's will may become paralysed in a similar situation.

犹如惊弓之鸟的投资者们纷纷转向欧洲一些外缘债券市场,如瑞典,丹麦,英国。Nervous investors are jumping instead into some of Europe's outlying bond markets, such as Sweden, Denmark— and Britain.

地震之后,那个地区的人都成了惊弓之鸟,稍有风吹草动就要逃到街上去。People there became so frightened after the quake that they would run into the streets once they sensed something wrong.

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如惊弓之鸟,在没有重大利空的情况下,A股在经历过一周的上涨后,突然溃退。If frightened, in the absence of major bad circumstances, A shares have experienced in the week higher after a sudden rout.

对于慌张的外交人员和惊弓之鸟般的谈判人员来说,唯一值得安慰的,怕是这种信息泄密恐怕不会再发生。The only consolation to harried diplomats and their fearful interlocutors is that another leak on this scale seems unlikely.

并且,这些HIV阳性的孕妇得如同惊弓之鸟,行踪隐秘,不愿被外界知晓。In addition, these HIV-positive pregnant women were as scary and whereabouts secret, do not want to be known to the outside world.

作为一个设计师用来处理等有形产品日益可靠颜色铅笔、计算机技术往往是惊弓之鸟,心海螺沟。As a designer used to handling tangible products such as the ever reliable crayons, computer technology is oftentimes scary and heart palpitating.

后来人们便用“惊弓之鸟”这句成语,来比喻受过惊吓或打击之后,再遇到类似的情况就惊慌害怕的人。We use the idiom of "the startled bird" as an analogy. After a person experiences fright or strike, he will be scared again when he meets a similar situation.

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考验当时,尽管她策缰驱马向前,她的座马却如惊弓之鸟般惊恐跳跃,不过她可是首度亲眼确认了自己的斗牛标枪还是可以稳稳地插上那漆黑的山形牛背。Her horse, as she gave it rein and raced forwards, leapt “like a swallow” with fear, but she saw her banderilla planted firmly for the first time in the black, mountainous neck.

扼守在娄山关上的敌人,是从乌江防线溃退下来的黔军第三旅林秀生部两个团,胆寒若惊弓之鸟。A critical point in the Loushanguan on the enemy line of retreat from the Wujiang River down by the Ministry of Qian Jun 3rd Brigade Lin Xiusheng two groups, terrified that if frightened.