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这桌子放在门口太碍事了.The table at door is in the way.

我一直嫌那伞架碍事。I never like that umbrella stand.

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在树叶中跳跃,一点儿也不碍事。and jump in leaves,there is no harm.

于是我离开了,我不愿成为碍事的第三者。So I left, so that I wouldn't be in the way.

尝一点不碍事,先生。让我给你满上一杯。A drop won't hurt, sir. Let me fill your cup.

亲爱的,不碍事,我去找罗斯拿果汁机。It's okay. I'll go to Ross', get the blender.

好的权变设计永远不会碍事。Great contingency design never gets in the way.

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你知道么,别在这里碍事,也别闷闷不乐了。You know what? Just get out of my way and stop moping.

不管碍不碍事,我都不会答应。I won't allow it, whether it will hurt anything or not.

那个东西的位置真是糟透了,非常碍事!That's really in a bad place because it gets in the way.

即使是残疾人也不碍事,他们也可以在舞场上转动。Even the handicapped were not hampered from a roll on the dance floor.

这样不看电视的时候,大多数型号柜底式电视机的屏幕可以折叠起来不碍事。On most models, the screen folds up and out of your way when not in use.

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我开始感到在这个愉快的一家人中间,我的确是碍事。I began to feel unmistakably out of place in that pleasant family circle.

如果你觉得护肘和护膝有点碍事,那你就尝尝戴石膏的味道吧。If you think elbow and knee pads might be restrictive, try wearing a cast.

原本接学生场面就比较混乱,这半路的程咬金也太碍事!The original pick up students scene on the confusion, this is too much in the way of the middle way!

但是有些人说日本社会是典型的群体社会,平等主义的考量可能碍事。But some say that egalitarian thinking, typical of Japan’s group-oriented society, might stand in the way.

项目经理只是一帮碍事的人,成天想着从产品经理的手里夺走项目控制权。Project managers just get in the way and try to take control of the project away from the product manager.

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而当桑顿博士要将它们突变回初始状态时,这些螺旋和尾链就碍事了。When Dr. Thornton tried to return the receptor to its original form, these twists and tails got in the way.

她认为少了莫里齐奥碍事,就没有任何事可以阻止她自己接管公司。With Maurizio out of the way, she figured there was nothing to stop her from taking over the company herself.

除了做苦工之外,别的他也干不了,即使这样,他的伤鼻子和肿耳朵还总是碍事。He was good for nothing now except navvy work, and his broken nose and swollen ear were against him even in that.