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我会觉得,我很冷清,很闷。I would feel, I am very lonely, boring.

一切都是那么冷清,一往如故。All are that lonely, one toward as before.

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一个冷清的村庄,在帐篷中度过一晚上A Cold village. Spending night in the tent.

我设想有一个幽黑冷清的房子和种满了花卉植物的花园。I imagined a dark, cool house and a garden full of plants.

叶甫盖尼在寂寞冷清的庄园里过着隐士般的生活。On his lonely estate Eugene lived the life of an anchorite.

北京实施车牌摇号后,车市冷清。Beijing car market remains sluggish after first plate lottery.

人头涌涌的游行队伍与旁边冷清的车道成了强烈的对比!What a huge contrast between the crowded march and empty road.

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有一座村庄的名字听到让人发笑,它叫冷清的圣诞节。There is a village which glories in the name of Cold Christmas.

与此火爆的场面相比,有的楼盘则显得冷清许多。Compared with the fever in Hangzhou, some apartments are much colder.

“欧洲杯让转会市场冷清下来,”弗格森爵士说。"The European Championship derails transfer activity, " said Sir Alex.

我自豪地耸耸肩,脚下具体问题却十分冷清。I proudly shrugged, at the foot-specific issue is really very desolate.

孤桥一座,独人一个,表现出一种很冷清的场面。A bridge alone, a person alone, it is demonstrating the quiet isolation.

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会持续到大约3点钟左右。然后会稍微冷清一会儿,until about three o'clock or so. And then we kind of slowdown of course,

巨人坐在窗边,一直看着他这座既冷清又一片白茫茫的花园。The giant is sitting at a window. He is looking at his cold, white garden.

一个人在舞台上,快乐歌唱,悲伤舞蹈,虽然冷清,却分外妖娆。A person on the stage, singing happy, sad dance, deserted, but grow more enchanting.

街道冷清,只能听到几声狗叫和零星的枪声。The streets went completely quiet, except for a few barking dogs and the odd gunshot.

隐秘沙漠小镇里的一间冷清的酒吧里,一个矮小的、醉熏熏的男人自饮自乐。In a nearly empty cantina in a dark desert town, the short, drunk man makes his pitch.

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每天,你都会与那些冷清地眼神擦肩而过。Everyday, you would with those desolately the look in the eyes wipe a shoulder but lead.

捷蓝航空开始运营时,其所有机票均不可退换,生意很是冷清。But when it started, all its fares were non-refundable, and it was mostly a leisure airline.

过去,当孩子长大的以后,父母看到冷清的屋子时总感觉是多么难过。In the past, when children grew up, parents often found it sad to contemplate an empty nest.