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谁知,这样的问话却有了回应Who knew the question had an answering.

我们能分辨出一些问话和一些答话。One distinguishes questions and replies.

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被警察拦住问话是家常便饭。Being stopped by militsiya was a regular occurrence.

我把问话重复了很多遍。但他讲得既不慢也不清楚。I repeated my question several times and at last he understood.

“你刚才去哪里了?”明美问话的声音让瑞克觉得厌恶。"Where were you?" asked Minmei with a voice that was the most annoying voice for Rick.

星期二早晨去芬那提和塞格利曼恩家的问话没有任何直接结果。Calls to the Finnerty and Seligmann homes Tuesday morning were not immediately returned.

阿龙握着他的手,还不忘吃了面,他问话时候没看贵生。The dragon clutch his hand, also didn't forget to eat noodles, his asking words had not seen expensive to living for period.

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杜凌峰拿枪指着护卫队的人走向日军关卡,不答问话直接开枪引走日军,江海洋带人顺利通过。Du Lingfeng gun to escort people to the Japanese level, not a question of direct shot led the Japanese, with Jiang Haiyang passed.

这句问话和呼唤“呵,在哪儿呢?”融化在千股的泪泉里,和你保证的回答“我在这里!”的洪流,一同泛滥了全世界。The question and the cry 'Oh, where?' melt into tears of a thousand streams and deluge the world with the flood of the assurance 'I am! '

我很清楚,问话者其实早就已经在心里认定,洋人的家伙就是比中国人的大了。I was pretty sure that when he asked me in such way he had already had his own idea that pakeha 's dick is generally bigger than Chinese's ones.

在司法问话中运用同一律,可以保证问话的恰当性及问答的一致性,从而提高办案效率。Using identity law in judiciary trials, the properness and consistency of asking and answer can be guaranteed to improve the efficiency of dealing with case.

赵明福被反贪委员会传召问话后离奇死亡,引起举国震惊,国内的族群关系也降到新低点。The Malaysian drama unfolding the last few days surrounding the death of Teoh Beng Hock suggests that race-relations in the country are at its lowest point ever.

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苔丝急忙向她解释,说他出门办事去了,说完就离开那个问话的人,穿过花园树篱的门进屋去了。Tess hastily explained that he had been called away on business, and, leaving her interlocutor, clambered over the garden-hedge, and thus made her way to the house.

作为一个画窗帘警车带走问话两兄弟,人群中投掷矿泉水瓶,石块和触发器它,美联社记者报道。As a police van with drawn curtains took away the two brothers for questioning, the crowd pelted it with water bottles, stones and their flip-flops, the AP news agency reported.

和同事在一个高级SPA庆祝她25岁的生日,埃巴小酌着香槟,解释着瑞典亲女问话帮助她实现梦想。Relaxing with coworkers at an exclusive spa to celebrate her 25th birthday, Ebba sips champagne while explaining that Sweden's pro-female culture has helped her achieve her dreams.

保持说写同步是制作问话笔录、保证笔录质量的一个基本要求,也是公安民警应具备的一项基本功。Speaking and writing simultaneously is not only a basic demand for the production of a high quality record of interrogation, but also an essential technique the police should possess.

他的心事一定很重,因而他一点也没有追究这个使人不安的从阴沟里把人救出来的事,也没有注意到冉阿让对他的问话默不作答。His preoccupation must indeed have been very profound for him not to insist on this alarming rescue through the sewer, and for him not to even notice Jean Valjean's silence after his question.

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由于法庭互动主要在一系列问答互动中展开,法庭的重复因此主要发生在问话人和答话人之间。Since the courtroom interaction is realized through a series of question-response sequences, the repetition in courtroom discourse thus mainly occurs between the questioner and the respondent.