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菜做得很入味。The dish is very tasty.

将牛肉用盐和胡椒粉调至入味。Season the steak with salt and pepper.

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猪的排骨切成寸长小段,将它进行腌渍入味。Pork ribs cut into inch long pieces, pickled it to be tasty.

茄子、甜椒、节瓜与香料盐腌入味后炭烤,佐青酱。素食可用。Grilled eggplant, sweet pepper and zucchini , cooked with pesto sauce.

烹制时卤汁要浓厚,紧包对虾,以便入味。Marinade during cooking to be a strong, tight package shrimp for tasty.

把鸡肉回锅,淋上备好的酱汁拌炒让每块鸡肉均匀上色入味。Return the chicken to the wok and stir sauce and cook until sauce thickens.

主菜的牛柳配上土豆则是色香味俱佳,肉质鲜嫩,肉汁入味。The beef fillet was fresh and tender and the gravy tasted rather delicious.

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放酱油里浸泡是为了将鸡翅腌制入味,吃起来更香。Marinating lets the flavor really get absorbed so that they will taste better.

淡菜脆嫩鲜香,包汁入味,是温州沿海的传统佳肴。Mussel crisp delicious, packet sauce tasty, traditional cuisine of coastal Wenzhou.

醋不仅是调味之首可以入味,还是人体健身佳品。Vinegar is not only a tasty flavor can be the first or the human body fitness high quality goods.

把切好的肉丁放入拌有盐、糖、味精、酱油的盘中腌制,待入味后取出。To cut into cubes mixed with salt, sugar, MSG, soy sauce, pickled disk, to be removed after tasty.

这家店虽然以乳猪著称,烧鹅却做得十分入味。Despite this place being famous for their suckling pig, the roast goose is flavorful inside and out.

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将已拌匀的三文鱼他他放进冰箱碱30分钟,让它入味和冷却。Transfer the salmon tartare in a refrigerator for 30 minutes until it absorb the marinade and cool down.

黄瓜洗净切片,和胡萝卜装盆后洒入盐,腌入味2小时。Place cucumber slices in a bowl together with peeled carrot and sprinkle salt over. Let stand for 2 hours.

用芡宜薄,以既能使原料入味,而又不掩盖其本色为好。Euryale ferox used to thin, with both the raw materials Ruwei, but not to conceal their true color as well.

在烹饪前,用香料、切碎的香草、生姜、大蒜和辣椒腌制鱼肉,便于其在烹饪过程中入味。Rub the fish with spices, chopped herbs, ginger, garlic, and chile peppers to infuse flavor while it cooks.

简介卤汁浓郁入味,甘、醇、香、甜顶级口感,让您的舌尖享受美味。产品采用单支装入真空包装,方便食用及分享给好朋友。Sweet taste, so you can enjoy the food. Products into the single vacuum-packed, easy to eat and share with friends.

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鳕鱼油炸之前需先进行腌制,这种方法可以使鳕鱼肉质紧实,也易于入味。The cod is cured prior to pan frying which is a technique used to firm the flesh and it also brings out the flavor.

将冬菇、鱼肚及珍珠笋放煨料内煨纫15分钟至入味,隔水。Bring braising ingredients to the boil, lower mushrooms, fish maw and baby sweet corn, and simmer for 15 minutes. Drain.

用厨房肉锤,将鸡肉敲松、锤扁,至约0.5厘米厚,然后两面撒少许盐和黑胡椒,使入味。With a meat pounder, pound the chicken breast to about 0.5cm thickness. Sprinkle on both side with salt and pepper to season.