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但是今天,我惴惴不安。But today I was restless.

她担心其后果而惴惴不安。Fear of the consequences preyed on her mind.

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然而此后他变得坐卧不宁,惴惴不安。But after that he became more restless and nervous.

产油大国们的确有理由对现在的形势惴惴不安。The big oil producers have good reason to be nervous.

全家都是惴惴不安地又很兴奋地等候“收蚕”。Uneasy but eager, the whole family waited for the eggs to hatch.

如此恶言是否会拉他们的股价下水,银行家们是惴惴不安。Bankers fear this demonisation is driving down their share prices.

俩男人就坐了下来并且停嘴,惴惴不安,害怕被清出场外。The men simply sat down and shut up, terrified of getting kicked out.

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怀着惴惴不安的心情,我们朝着麦可尔这个磨坊小镇驶去。With a certain foreboding, we headed for the little mill town of McColl.

亚历山德拉惴惴不安地把她那条黑边的手帕塞进提包。Alexandra thrust her black-edged handkerchief nervously into her handbag.

我根本不想告诉他我饱得很——憋着一肚子的惴惴不安七上八下。I didn't feel like mentioning that my stomach was already full — of butterflies.

杰克惴惴不安地从她身旁走开了,盖恩斯命令他,等候他的联络人。Jack nervously moves away from her as Gaines orders him to wait for his contact.

但很多惴惴不安的图书业人士都在关注能卖多少册电子书。But many nervous industry observers are watching to see how many ebooks it sells.

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但是,他的一位前同事说,厄恩斯金心中一直惴惴不安。But one former colleague recalls Erskine was uneasy about the industry for years.

又要见到彬格莱,简感到惴惴不安,决心不表露自己的感情。Jane was nervous about meeting Bingley again, and determined not to show her feelings.

你若是要代表人类和聪明的机器一决胜负,你也会惴惴不安。You would be nervous if you were representing the human race against a very clever machine.

每年,美食家们急切地盼望着它们的新版本问世,而厨师们则是惴惴不安地等待着。The appearance of their annual editions is awaited eagerly by gourmets and dreaded by chefs.

宽松的货币政策令魏德曼惴惴不安,唯恐低息环境滋生德国房地产泡沫。Loose monetary policy makes him nervous about the possibility of a property bubble in Germany.

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读者们,你们是否有提心吊胆,惴惴不安的经历呢?Readers, have you had experiences when you were on tenterhooks, struggling to deal with the unknown?

这只是几个小例子,总之你很有可能就是因为一个钱字而惴惴不安来着。These are a few examples, but you see the kind of financial matters that may have been on your mind.

我我自己稍微惴惴不安当我第一锯子我们有憔悴的他们在这第一击昏回合。I myself was a little apprehensive when I first saw that we had drawn them in this first knockout round.