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司令员也保不了他。The commander also cannot protect him.

乃缦是亚兰王军队的司令员。Naaman was the commander of the Syrian army.

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司令员把后备部队调了上来。The commander brought up his reserve troops.

司令员从前线被召回。The commander was recalled from the frontline.

这天,副司令员找黄鸣锋谈话。One day, deputy commander of talk with huang feng.

司令员表扬这名士兵的勇敢。The commander commended the soldier for his bravery.

司令员把强大兵力集中在左翼。The commander concentrated a powerful force on the left flank.

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司令员派出部队阻遏敌人的援兵。The commander sent out troops to stop the enemy's backup troops.

剧中男一号老三则是军区司令员的儿子,家庭背景相对比较好,本人呢也比较有前途。Laosan is a boy with a promising future from a well-to-do family.

刘司令员已经派部队等着从后面袭击敌人。General Liu has troops waiting to fall on the enemy from the rear.

司令员下令撤回派往战场的援军。The commander countermanded the reinforcements to the battlefield.

司令员要求各级指战员不能有自由主义思想。The commander asked all officers to abandon the idea of liberalism.

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美丽的女间谍从国外回到自己的祖国,到司令部向司令员汇报。A beautiful female spy returned to her motherland to report to her commander.

司令员要对整场战役的各个部分作出总体的周密的规划。A commander should make a comprehensive and thorough plan for every part of the war.

这时,警卫员来提醒副司令员,该出发去接许司令了。At this time, the guards to remind, deputy commander of the set out to meet xu commander.

杜荣林再次跟司令员提交他的结婚报告,但被骂了回来,还是不肯批准。Du Ronglin marry commander submitted his report again, but was called back, or refuse to approve.

青海玉树军分区司令员吴勇对美联社表示,由于大量房屋倒塌,死亡数字可能会进一步上升。Army garrison commander Wu Yong told AP that deaths 'may rise further as lots of houses collapsed.

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东道主中国海军司令员吴胜利甚至邀请他搭乘军用飞机从北京飞至青岛。His host, Admiral Wu Shengli, even invited him to fly by military aircraft from Beijing to Qingdao.

随后白崇禧作为空军司令员和航空学院校长接管空军。Pai Ch'ung-hsi then took over as principal of the aviation academy and as commander of the air force.

司令员告诉杜荣林有一个投诚过来的吴妙水让他保护好,防止国民党的暗杀。Commander told Du Ronglin have a defected to wu miao water let him protect, prevent the KMTs assassination.