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谨防恶犬!当心狗!Beware of the dog!

当心扒手。Beware of pickpockets.

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当心狡猾。Watch out for slyness.

当心莫让他骗你。Mind he doesn't have you.

当心,那条狗会咬人。Be careful,that dog bites.

当心“是的,但是…Be careful of the yeah-but.

当心不要过分劳累。Don't overwork that excuse.

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可是,当心呀,别选择错了!But beware an erring choice!

那就是说,要当心!That being said, be careful.

当心天花板,想知道宝盈策略基金。先生。Be aware of the ceiling, sir.

要当心你的情感。Beware of your ownaffections.

当心工作场所的“匕首”!Beware the workplace whinger!

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当心!房子烧起来了。Look out! The house is burning!

你摆弄那支枪可要当心。Careful how you handle that gun.

当心,油漆会涂污的。Be careful , the paint may smear.

在阳光下你要当心。You should be careful in the sun.

当心,你要把船弄翻了。Careful! You'll tip the boat over.

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狂妄是自己给的,要当心。Be grateful. Conceit is self-given.

可能两者皆有,所以买家要当心了。It could be both, so buyers beware.

你可要当心,那个问题是个套儿。Be careful, that's a catch question.