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我现在家破人亡了。I don't have a family now.

一个是家破人亡,一个是幸福快乐。One is broken up, one is happy.

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乐儿不明所以,这才知道,海天家破人亡是因为自己。LeEr unknown so, this just know, the family broken up because I.

看到他家破人亡,她却幸灾乐祸地笑了。When she saw that his family was ruined, she gloated at his misfortune.

谁不实行计划生育,就叫他家破人亡。Whoever does not follow family planning will have his household ruined and his family perish.

韩志杰来到俞医生家,听到孙太太与萧岚说到自己家破人亡,感到悲哀。Jeff han yu came to the doctors home, hear Mrs Sun and xiao LAN said that he is family ruined, feel sad.

实际上,阿富汗有许多人丁兴旺的家庭家破人亡,那是一场大灾难。Actually, in Afghanistan, we have large families which have been destroyed, and that is a great disaster.

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官方制作一标语写道,“凡不遵守家庭计划政策者,必造成家破人亡。”An official slogan reads, Whoever does not follow family planning will have his household ruined and his family perish.

我的婆婆告诉我二战时期她家破人亡的情景,她那痛苦的语气毫无疑问地流露了出来。My grandmother told me how her family broked during the second World War, the bitterness in her voice was unmistakable.

陈范在苏报案中是一个重要角色,他因此一度成名,也因此家破人亡。Chen Fan was a key person in Supao case, which made him famous for some time, but this also brought him and his family terrible fate.

我能够想象他们遭受的苦难,那些家破人亡,亲离友散的悲剧,那些被夺走的无辜生命。在这些的基础上,我想了解得更多。I think about the dreadful experiences of people, the harrowing break-up of families and friends, those who died and I want to learn more.

他们大量屠杀我们的祖先,驱赶了他们,使印第安人流离失所,妻离子散,家破人亡。Their mass killings of our ancestors, expelled them, and ensured that the Indians were displaced, separated from their families, the destruction.

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在这些数目字背后,隐藏着一个个家破人亡、梦想破碎的人性故事,他们的生命被那些追求极权主义权力的家伙无情地消灭。Behind these numbers are human stories of individuals with families and dreams whose lives were cut short by men in pursuit of totalitarian power.

裴彬在他们的眼里就是害他们家破人亡的凶手,在他们眼里那个该死的女人是他们的妻主,是个称职的母亲。The Pei Bin is in their eyes be damage them kin marred murderer, that reprehended female is their wife lords, an employable mother in the their eyes.

并且,酒后驾驶不仅会对司机有害而且会引起像造成家破人亡和使无家可归的儿童出现等灾祸。What's more, drunk driving not only does harm to the drivers but cause the accident such as a appearance of a homeless child or the death of a family.

Bracken说,许多人已家破人亡却无能为力,他们都期待着能在一个安详的地方重建家园。So many people have lost families and houses there is nothing they can do, says Bracken, with many standing around waiting to be relocated to a safer place.

股票市埸造成了许多家破人亡的悲剧,可是股票市场之对于现代经济体系所作出的贡献,却并非是这些悲剧例子所足以抹煞的。Stock market causes many tragedies—family breaks up and its members die. But stock market contributes a lot to the prosperous development of modern economy system.

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刀家家破人亡后,她以巫师身份替人看些常见病,换些散金碎银,以此照顾刀母生活直至送终。Knife and decimated, with her home after wizard identity does odd see some diseases, change some to take care of scattered gold ground silver sword female life until again.

对于澳大利亚的土著居民,他们被迫家破人亡已经改变了他们的文化,或许已经开始慢慢灭亡。For Aborigines, their forced detachment from their land and their distance from one another has changed the course of their civilization and perhaps set the pace for its demise.