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这又引起了另一场拳打脚踢。That led to another fist fight.

托尼随后还以拳打脚踢。Tony retaliated by kicking him.

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两个卫兵对凯一阵拳打脚踢。Two of the guards began to hit Kiah.

孩子用的家具必须经得起拳打脚踢。Children’s furniture must withstand kicks and blows.

袭击者对他拳打脚踢。The attackers laid about him with their hands and foots.

当客户端固定服务器拴马是闲置拳打脚踢。Fixed server hitching when client is kicked for inactivity.

明天上午我们要赶火车,来不了了,我走出售票处时想找个人拳打脚踢发泄一下。We have a train to catch. I exit the office minded to kick someone.

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我把他拎起来抓住他,他还在拳打脚踢,我把他带进了男厕所。I picked him up and carried him, still fighting, into the men’s toilets.

九妹见四喜不认错,气得上前就一通拳打脚踢。Nine sister see four admit it or not, I was so angry forward is a kicking.

他脸上有道道伤痕,他的眼睛上方有处伤口,很可能是穆拉德对他拳打脚踢时所致。There were cuts on his face, and a cut over his eye probably where Mulad had kicked him.

看来那些人拳打脚踢的时候,还有人拿了兵刃。See period that come to those people's buffet ugg boots hit, ugg boots something took arms.

缺少母爱,吃尽父母的拳打脚踢之苦,使得朱莉面临许多挑战。Lack of maternal love and the blows from her parents' fists have left Julie with challenges.

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他甚至还对夏洛克拳打脚踢,那个场景令人痛苦地想起了艾琳·艾德勒。He even straddles Sherlock and kicks him about in a scene painfully reminiscent of Irene Adler.

四名定居者对巴勒斯坦摄影记者拳打脚踢,并抢走了其中一人的照相机。The settlers punched and kicked the Palestinian photographers and grabbed one of their cameras.

发条橘子这部电影一开始的片段就是一帮混混朝着一个躺在地上无家可归的老头拳打脚踢。A Clockwork Orange begins with a gang of thugs kicking a homeless man while he is on the ground.

两个人发生了口角,九妹更误会刘见始乱终弃,对他拳打脚踢。Two people quarrel happened, nine younger sister more misunderstanding curated see liu, punched him.

如果你的压力反应是愤怒,那么拳打脚踢极为有利健康,即便你只不过是在装模作样。If your stress reaction is anger, punching and kicking are wonderfully salubrious, even if you're just shadowboxing.

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二人借酒意抒泄自己的不得志而发酒疯,竟对「龙灯」拳打脚踢。Two people borrow and out to express their own unappreciated and deliriously intoxicated, had punched dragon lantern.

现在,如果你真的关注你就会知道这是科尼赛克的过这整个萨博购买说大话拳打脚踢。Now, if you're really paying attention you'll know it was Koenigsegg that kicked off th is whole Saab buying malarkey.

搏斗最后变成了野蛮的拳打脚踢,格里弗斯靠着金属的伺服机械,占有绝对优势。The fight degraded to bare knuckles and brutal kicks, and the metallic servo-powered Grievous had the clear advantage.