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把纱窗卸下来。Take the screen window off.

就是现在我们经常用的纱门、纱窗。And the fifth is the so-called leisure gate.

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房屋已装上了纱窗纱门来防避蚊子。The house has been screened against mosquitoes.

给房屋安装纱门和纱窗。Install screen door or screen window in your room.

所有能打开的窗户都应该有防虫纱窗且尺寸合适。Insect screens shall be fitted to all windows that can be opened.

请你把那纱窗快打开,衣啦啦快打开。Asks you to open quickly that screen window, Clothes opens quickly.

一楼的水平遮阳百叶窗与纱窗伴随着每个冷却池。A ground level awning window with flyscreen accompanies each cooling pond.

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今天晚上你可不可以派人到我家里来量纱窗的尺寸呢?。Can you send someone over to my place this evening to measure the screens?

日射纱窗风撼扉,香罗拭手春事违。Insolation wind screens to shake Fei, Chun Hong Lo hand swab things illegal.

你用油灰刀慢慢撬开纱窗,她依然熟睡着。She doesn't hear the scratch of your putty knife as you pry open the screen.

透过纱窗,他看到比尔和特德坐在后排。He looked through the screen and saw that Bill and Ted were in the back seat.

你建议的推拉门纱窗,正是我们需要的,谢谢你。The sliding door flyscreen you advised is exactly what we are needing, thank you.

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在这个纱窗种类繁多,我们该如何根据纱窗纱网来选择一款好的纱窗。In this screen variety, how should we choose a good screen according to the screen mesh.

我屋里的钢丝纱窗很密,这帮我阻挡了大多进入我屋子的刺眼的光线。The wire mesh window screen was thick and kept the bright sunlight from entering my room.

或者在洗衣粉溶液中加少量牛奶,洗出的纱窗会和新的一样。Or in the detergent solution plus a small amount of milk, washing out the screens and the new.

房子里有储藏室,装着纱窗的凉台以及装有彩色玻璃窗的楼梯平台。It has pantries and screened sleeping porches and stained-glass windows on the stairway landing.

住在五楼的王大妈说防蚊最管用的是纱窗。Living in the fifth floor of the Dama Wang said the most effective mosquito control is Shachuang.

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我的心灵密得就像这纱窗一样,我觉得心情沉重压抑,如同在经历浓雾天。My mind felt thick, just like the window screen, and I felt weighted down and heavy, as if in a fog.

高压控制系统与导线都集成在吸尘纱窗的框架内。The high pressure control system and wires are integrated in the frame of dust-absorbing mesh window.

同样,缝住底下的那个圈和圆锥侧面的纱窗边缘。Also, stitch the edge of the window screen which is between the lower circle and the flank of the cone.